=== Functional Town Overview === The town is composed of both stores and buildings. Classical stores: Magic Shop: buy your wands, staffs, rings and amulets here. Alchemist: for all sorts of bubbling potions and scrolls. Weaponsmith: they deal in anything sharp and to the point. Armorer: to offer protection from the ravages of the dungeon. General Store: food, torches, ammo, some necessities. Temple Trade: those items permitted to the pious in life. Black Market: the prices are usurious, but some depths items! Home: to store some of your precious treasures. Additional buildings: Weaponmaster: Compares two weapons to allow you to see which is better. Zymurgist: Will identify items in your pack and recharge wands and staves. Magesmith (weapon): Will enchant your weapon. Magesmith (armor): Will enchant your armor. Mutalist: Will add or cure mutations. Map Maker: Will provide a map of part of the surrounding wilderness. All buildings are made of stone and unlikely to move around. This file is accurate for Zangband 2.5.3