N:*:Default 106 'Skull Smasher' 'Mauler' of Gideon of Joshua 'Fang's Avenger' 'Inquisitor' 'Hacker' of Bathory 'Executioner' 'Undertaker' of the Beast 'Monster Masher' 'Beheader' 'Blood' 'Kraken' 'Impaler' 'Peacemaker' 'Liberator' 'Snickersnee' 'Werebane' 'Magicbane' 'Dragon Claw' 'Blue Steele' 'Tempest' 'Fury' 'Disruptor' 'Grimtooth' 'Serpent's Tongue' 'Cleaver' 'Bonebreaker' 'Skullbuster' 'Lawgiver' 'Mirrorbright' 'Hildeleoma' 'Anvil' 'Hammer' of Battery 'Howler' 'Roarer' 'Thunderer' 'Marauder' 'Possessor' 'Insta-Death' 'Harvester' 'Harvester of Sorrow' 'Breaker' 'Gravedigger' 'Justice-for-All' 'Fade-to-Black' 'Flamebain' of Lyf 'Side Splitter' of Ra 'Trooper' 'Killer' 'Chaser' 'Predator' 'Rampage' 'Photon Storm' of Damocles 'Vendetta' 'Retaliator' 'Deathtrack' of the Shogun of Peenemuende 'Red October' of Lebensraum 'Seek-and-Destroy' of the Purgatory 'Witchfire' 'Super Patriot' 'Pestilence' of Midnight 'Lord of Midnight' 'Lord of Flies' 'Assassin' 'Duellist' 'Pandemonium' 'Damage, Inc.' 'Bloodrain' 'Satan's Fist' 'Weapon-X' 'Weapon Alpha' of the Borg of Hatred of Pak of Sinanju of Megalomania 'Slammer' of Brute Force of Brutality of Fatality 'Delta' of Diamond of Osric of Dara of Finndo of the Valkyrie 'Aglarang' 'Arunruth' 'Haradekket' 'Mundwine' 'Cubragol' 'Punisher' 'Wolverine' 'Hunter-killer'