# This is the file for allowing uniques to speak their "own" lines. # Deleting this file will have no real effect on the game. Modifying it may # cause STRANGE unique lines to come up if the format's wrong, but shouldn't # crash anything. The format goes like so: # # N:45:whoever this is # 3 # says line 1 # says line 2 # says line 3 # # The number after the N: is the "monster index number" obtained from # r_info.txt. The text field after that number isn't actually used--it's # just there to help humans edit the file. The numbers on lines by # themselves are the number of lines that the monster has. Getting these # numbers wrong won't crash anything, but will produce strange lines. # # A '*' in the number field is a wildcard and applies to any monster. # It should only be placed at the end of the file, since all 'N:' lines # after it will be ignored. # # Two or more monsters can share lines; just put their N: lines in a # contiguous block. # # To stop a certain monster from having unique lines, put a # in front of # its N: line. # # Entries by Eric Bock, Matt Graham, Andrew Hill, Chris Kern, and Topi Ylinen N:8:Farmer Maggot 12 seems sad about something. asks if you have seen his dogs. tells you to get off his land. #LOTR Book1 Chap.4 says, "Grip! Fang! Wolf! Come on, lads!" says, "They won't harm you -- not unless I tell 'em to!" says, "Here, Grip! Fang! Heel!" exclaims, "Well, if that isn't queerer than ever?" asks, "Were you coming to visit me?" says, "I'll not light my lanterns till I turn for home." says, "I see you are in some kind of trouble." yells, "Hallo there!" says, "It's been a queer day, and no mistake." N:19:Martti Ihrasaari 3 says, 'For a Finnish President, I sure am stupid...' says, 'I routinely carry nifty things...' says, 'I need a sauna, eh?' N:53:Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog N:54:Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog N:55:Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog 6 chases its tail. barks loudly. froths at the mouth. wags its tail. rolls over. growls. N:63:Smeagol 27 sniggers. grovels. picks his nose. pines for his precious. searches his pockets. eats some slimy creatures. mutters, 'My precious, wheres my precious?' shouts, 'No Master Hobbitsisisisis!' cries, 'The ring was ours for agesisisisis!' says, 'Smeagol sneeking! ME! Shneekingsisis!' screams, 'Nasty Hobbitsisisisis...' says, 'Come on, quickly, follow Smeagol' says, 'Every way is guarded, silly foolsis!' says, 'Nasty Bagginis, stole my precious.' says, 'She will kill them oh yes she will precious.' whines, 'Weees wants some fishises.' says, 'Whats has its got in its pocketses, hmmm?' whimpers, 'We've lost itses we have.' says, 'He'll eastus all the world if he getsitses it.' says, 'No food, no rest; Smeagol a SNEAK!' says, 'What a dainty little dish you will be for her.' says, 'Hobbitses always SOOOO Polite.' screams, 'Stop, Thief!' says, 'Makeses him drop his weapon precious.' grovels, 'He has only four fingers on the black hand.' growls, 'Not nice Hobbits, not sensible!' says, 'If you findesis it, give it us back.' N:135:Mughash the Kobold Lord 4 says, 'I may be a kobold, but I'll kick your arse!' says, 'Feel my wrath, fool!' says, 'Death and destruction make me happy!' snickers evilly. N:137:Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 10 whines and sniggers. whispers nasty things. says, 'I'll slaughter you slowly...' #LOTR Book3 Chap.6 says, 'Lathspell I name you, Ill-news; and Ill-news is an ill guest they say.' says, 'Forbid his staff!' #LOTR Book3 Chap.6 yells, 'You lie!' #LOTR Book3 Chap.9 says, 'Let me go, let me go! I know the way!' #LOTR Book3 Chap.9 says, 'My messages are useless now!' says, 'No no!' #LOTR Book6 Chap.8 hisses, 'You told me to; you made me do it!' N:138:Robin Hood, the Outlaw 6 eyes your money pouch covetously. says, 'You look like Nottingham's man to me!' says, 'I bet I can shoot better than you...' says, 'Give 'til it hurts!' says, 'Don't force me to put an arrow in your skull...' says, 'Kevin Costner has soiled my name!' #N:169:Brodda, the Easterling #N:291:Ulfast, Son of Ulfang N:180:Orfax, Son of Boldor N:237:Boldor, King of the Yeeks 5 wonders aloud about your sexual orientation. spouts torrents of obscenities. shouts, 'YEEK! YEEK! YEEK!' says, 'I'll teach you to respect Yeeks!' says, 'Feel lucky, punk?' N:200:Hobbes the Tiger 4 says, 'Why were people put here? TIGER FOOD!' says, 'Yum! Adventurer sandwiches!' says, 'I killed Calvin, now I'll kill YOU!' says, 'I'll make your short life nasty and brutish!' N:140:Lagduf, the Snaga N:186:Grishnakh, the Hill Orc 7 says, 'Saruman is a fool, and a dirty treacherous fool.' says, 'I left a fool.' yells, 'Nazgul, Nazgul!' says, 'Fine leadership! I hope the great Ugluk will lead us out again.' hisses, 'My dear tender little fools.' says, 'Well, my little ones! Enjoying your nice rest?' snarls, 'Have you got it -- either of you?' N:215:Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief N:260:Ufthak of Cirith Ungol N:285:Orc captain N:314:Shagrat, the Orc Captain N:315:Gorbag, the Orc Captain N:330:Bolg, Son of Azog N:350:Ugluk, the Uruk N:356:Lugdush, the Uruk N:373:Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai 20 fingers his blade and grins evilly. snickers, 'Now, I strike a blow for *our* side!' says, 'Orcs don't get no respect... I'm gonna change that!' calls your mother nasty names. says, 'I'll bet your innards would taste real sweet...' belches and spits. scratches his armpits. says, 'I love the smell of fresh blood.' says, 'Yeeha! Another idiot to slaughter!' hawks a loogie in your direction. farts thunderously. wonders aloud how many experience points you're worth. says, 'I love being psychotic!' says, 'My brain's on fire with the feeling to kill!' says, 'I shall torture you slowly.' calls you a scum-sucking pig-dog. says, 'I shall have my way with your women!' says, 'You're not so tough, buttmunch!' says, 'Heh-heh, heh-heh, killing people is cool.' curses at you in Orcish. N:382:Mime, the Nibelung 6 says, 'Get away! This spot is mine!' says, 'I will soon close your eyes in eternal sleep.' says, 'I'll mess up all your stuff!' cries, 'You must pay me... with your life!' grins. says, 'Maybe I will just hack your head off.' N:383:Hagen, son of Alberich 10 says, 'Did you hear what the ravens said? Revenge, that is what they cry!' shouts, 'Hoiho! Hoiho! To arms! To arms!' grumbles, 'I hate the happy, and I am never glad.' cries, 'Keep away from the Ring!' boasts, 'My spear will certainly cut down the wrongful one.' cries, 'There! There shall my spear strike!' grins, 'You will die soon, handsome hero!' states, 'I am but avenging perjury.' shouts, 'Give the Ring here!' shouts, 'Hoiho! Hoiho-hoho!' N:419:Alberich the Nibelung King 16 says, 'I'll mess up all your stuff!' says, 'Give me the Rheingold, or die!' states, 'As I have renounced love, all who live shall soon renounce it!' laughs insanely. asks, 'Did you hear it? The nibelung hordes are rising from the depths!' laughs, 'Ha ha ha ha! Beware!' says, 'Beware, fool! Beware!' says, 'Envy led you here, pitiful rogue!' boasts, 'I dauntlessly defy everyone, everyone!' yells, 'Tremble, on your knees before the master of the Ring.' yells, 'Tremble with terror, abject throng!' says, 'I am watching you everywhere, expect me where you do not perceive me!' says, 'Feel my wrath, idle rascal!' says, 'I have discovered you, you stupid thief!' says, 'Are you still not afraid? You should be!' #N:392:Sangahyando of Umbar #N:380:Angamaite of Umbar #This next may be unnecessarily evil... :-] N:393:It 9 says, 'Nyah, nyah, betcha can't find me!' says, 'Come get some!' magically summons mighty undead opponents! chuckles evilly. magically summons Cyberdemons! summons special opponents! concentrates on its body. It starts moving faster. concentrates on its wounds. teleports away. N:409:Kharis the Powerslave 2 says, 'Open the gates of my hell, I will strike from the grave!' curses you. #N:413:Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang #N:431:Grendel N:441:Barney the Dinosaur 7 says, 'Cooperation! That's the magic word!' mutters, 'I *hate* those Teletubbies...' says, 'Won't you be my friend?' says, 'Let's all sing a HAPPY SONG!' mugs for the camera. simpers disgustingly. chews up a 'Tinky Winky' doll. #N:489:Bokrug N:493:Bert the Stone Troll N:494:Bill the Stone Troll N:495:Tom the Stone Troll 4 #Hobbit Chap.2 complains, 'What's a burrahobbit got to do with my pocket, anyways?' rejoices, 'No more roast mutton! Roast adventurer today!' says, 'That'll teach yer!' says, 'I won't take that from you!' N:505:Groo the Wanderer 1 says: 'A fray! A fray!' N:506:Fasolt the Giant 3 grumbles: 'Stop, greedy one! Leave something for me!' shouts: 'Back, over-bold one!' whines: 'You swindler, do you seek to vilify me?' N:517:Jurt the Living Trump 2 #Amber Book8 Chap.4 says: 'Only your death will set things right.' says: 'Don't call me clumsy!' #N:551:Rogrog the Black Troll N:573:Lord Borel of Hendrake 3 #Amber Book9 Chap.6 says: 'You smile at your own cowardice? Stand and fight, bastard!' #Amber Book10 Chap.5 says: 'I am Borel, Duke of Hendrake, Master of Arms of the Ways of Hendrake.' #Amber Book5 Chap.10 'I do not want it said that I took unfair advantage of you when I killed you.' #N:595:Father Dagon #N:596:Mother Hydra N:598:Mandor, Master of the Logrus 2 'Well, well, well.' 'It is a great pleasure to fight with such a worthy opponent as you.' #N:606:Loge, Spirit of Fire #N:615:Moire, Queen of Rebma #N:616:Kavlax the Many-Headed #N:628:Malekith the Accursed N:642:Jasra, Brand's Mistress 2 #In Amber Book8, She overtake the Keep of the Four Worlds #and turn the previous master into a coatrack 'I will turn you into a coatrack.' 'I'm a master of the Keep of the Four Worlds!' #N:651:Strygalldwir N:654:Judge Fire N:656:Judge Mortis N:674:Judge Fear N:686:Judge Death 4 hisses, 'Thisssss dungeon issss guilty.' hisses, 'Your crime isssss life.' hisses, 'The sssentencce isss death!' hisses, 'Your crime issss life. The sssentencce isss death.' #Quotes from "A salesman's tale" N:660:Rinaldo, son of Brand 2 says, 'What's a freezer? Glad you asked. It's a box to store your body!' 'If you buy a Grand-D machine, I'll throw Werewindle into the bargain.' N:670:Jack of Shadows 2 'The power of shadow is infinite.' 'With the Key of Kolwynia, I am invincible!' #N:681:Chaugnar Faugn, Horror from the Hills N:685:Shoggoth 2 barrels towards you horrifyingly. wails, 'Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!' #N:687:Ariel, Queen of Air N:697:Smaug the Golden 8 speaks, 'I smell you and I feel your air. I hear your breath. Come along!' says, 'If you get off alive, you will be lucky.' grimaces. laughs with a devastating sound which shakes the ground. asks, 'Where are those who dare approach me?' gloats, 'I am old and strong, strong, strong.' boasts, 'My armour is like tenfold shields, no blade can pierce me.' boasts, 'My teeth are swords, my claws are spears, my breath is death.' N:712:Fafner the Dragon 5 says: 'You will make a fine meal.' says: 'I wanted a drink, now I have also found food.' says: 'My fangs are not for chattering, soon you will feel them.' says: 'My throat is well made to gulp you down.' growls: 'Come here, young braggart.' N:713:Fangorn the Treebeard 2 #LOTR Book3 Chap.4 says: 'Hoom, hm, ah well.' #LOTR Book6 Chap.6 #Too long, intentionaly :) to discourage those who defy him. booms: 'Burarum, you evileyed - blackhanded - bowlegged - flinthearted - clawfingered - foulbellied - bloodthirsty, morimaite'sincahonda, hoom, hm, ...' N:715:Glaurung, Father of the Dragons N:766:Ancalagon the Black 5 says: 'Thou shalt not escape thy doom.' #QUENTA SILMARILLION Chap.21 says: 'Evil have been all thy ways.' says: 'If thou wilt be slain, I will slay thee gladly!' says: 'Nay! At least thou art valiant.' says: 'Hail, Adventurer, son of Autoroller. Well met!' #N:729:Ulik the Troll #N:730:Baphomet the Minotaur Lord N:732:Bull Gates 10 says, '640K should be enough for ANYBODY!' says, 'Buy Windows 2000; the filesystem rocks!' says, 'Linux? Never heard of it...' says, 'Resistance is futile--you will be assimilated.' says, 'NT is the solution for ALL your needs!' hacks out some code and calls it a Service Pack. says, 'We don't have a monopoly... MacOS still exists!' wonders if he should buy a small country. says, 'Where will we let you go today? HELL!' cackles diabolically. N:733:Santa Claus 8 says, 'Ho ho ho! You're gonna die!' says, 'You're gettin' COAL in your stocking!' says, 'On Smasher, on Whoop-Ass, now dash away all!' chortles sadistically. says, 'You're on the Naughty List!' says, 'No presents for you, ever!' says, 'I'll sic my man-eating reindeer on you!' says, 'I hate Christmas so much that I've gone psychotic!' #N:738:Khamul the Easterling #N:743:The Phoenix #N:753:Nidhogg the Hel-Drake #N:754:The Lernean Hydra #N:755:Thuringwethil #N:762:Fundin Bluecloak #N:763:Dworkin Barimen N:764:Uriel, Angel of Fire N:765:Azriel, Angel of Death N:769:Raphael, the Messenger 7 says, 'Repent, evildoer!' says, 'My righteousness shall cleanse you!' says, 'Don't EVER steal from the collection plate!' says, 'God may love you, but *I* don't!' says, 'I shall smite thee with extreme prejudice!' says, 'Hope you like eternal damnation!' says, 'Verily, it is too late for thee.' #N:767:Daoloth, the Render of the Veils #N:770:Artsi the Champion of Chaos #N:771:Saruman of Many Colours N:772:Gandalf the Grey 3 #LOTR Book2 Chap.5 says, 'I am a Wielder of the Flame of Anor, you cannot pass.' says, 'The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun.' says, 'Go Back to the Shadow! You cannot pass!' #N:773:Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber #N:777:Bast, Goddess of Cats #N:780:Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness #N:787:Hypnos, Lord of Sleep #N:789:Bleys, Master of Manipulation #N:791:Fiona the Sorceress #N:792:Tselakus, the Dreadlord #N:794:Julian, Master of Forest Amber #N:796:The Norsa #N:799:Caine, the Conspirator #N:805:Omarax the Eye Tyrant #N:807:Gerard, Strongman of Amber #N:809:Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God #N:813:Eric the Usurper #N:814:Yig, Father of Serpents #N:817:Hela, Queen of the Dead #N:820:Corwin, Lord of Avalon #N:824:Benedict, the Ideal Warrior N:825:The Witch-King of Angmar 2 #LOTR Book5 Chap.4 says, 'Do you not know Death when you see it?' #LOTR Book5 Chap.6 says, 'Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!' #N:828:Ithaqua the Windwalker #N:834:Ymir the Ice Giant #N:835:Loki the Trickster #N:837:Surtur the Giant Fire Demon N:655:Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source N:695:Zoth-Ommog N:706:Yibb-Tstll the Patient One N:734:Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth N:735:The King in Yellow N:757:Hastur the Unspeakable N:760:Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be N:761:Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep N:788:Glaaki N:797:Rhan-Tegoth N:806:Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'kai N:810:Y'golonac N:826:Cyaegha N:833:Abhoth, Source of Uncleanness N:841:Shuma-Gorath N:845:Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One N:848:Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods N:849:Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss N:851:Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos N:857:Great Cthulhu 17 slurps and gibbers disgustingly. shrieks fit to wake the dead. oozes nasty, glistening slime all over the dungeon. farts thunderously. lets off a mind-numbing stench. howls, 'Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!' makes a chilling slithering sound. howls, 'The OTHER GODS will feast on your brain!' hisses, 'I'll feed you to the Hounds of Tindalos...' hisses, 'Randolph Carter got off easy; you won't!' seethes and fumes sickeningly. hisses, 'I'll send you beyond Known Space to Azathoth!' waves nasty-looking tentacles about. picks its teeth with the bones of former players. opens your mind to a vista of nameless cosmic horror! opens your mind to a vista of endless 'Three's Company' reruns! snorts and slobbers with glee. N:850:Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst N:846:Fenris Wolf N:840:Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves 8 barks and bellows frighteningly! says, 'Oh good, another chew toy!' says, 'Yummy! I was getting tired of chicken...' lets out an earsplitting howl. drools all over the dungeon. lifts his leg at the nearest wall. says, 'Bad adventurer! No more living for you!' snarls and howls. #LOTR Book5 Chap.10 N:818:The Mouth of Sauron 6 asks, 'Anyone with authority to treat with me? Not thou at least!' says, 'This time thou hast stuck out thy nose too far.' says, 'Thou shalt see what comes to him who defy Sauron the Great.' says, 'Take swift counsel with what little wit is left to you.' says, 'And now thou shalt endure the slow torment of years!' says, 'Do not bandy words in your insolence with the Mouth of Sauron!' N:819:Klingsor, Evil Master of Magic 6 states, 'The time has come.' bellows, 'Your master calls! Obey!' grunts, 'Beware!' states, 'You will fall into my power, you will remain my slave!' cries, 'Halt! I have the right weapon to fell you!' yells, 'I will cut you down with your master's spear!' N:830:Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord N:831:Mephistopheles, Lord of Hell N:804:Vecna, the Emperor Lich N:844:Kaschei the Immortal N:856:Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs N:858:Sauron, the Sorcerer N:860:Oberon, King of Amber 12 brags, 'My power is beyond compare!' snorts, 'A mere mortal dares challenge my might? HA!' says, 'Not another one! I just finished chewing on the last!' wonders aloud how many XP you're worth. leafs through 'Evil Geniuses For Dummies'. mutters, 'Another damn loser to kill...' says, 'Hell shall claim your remains!' says, 'Another 12 skulls and I get that reward from the Boss!' yawns at your pathetic efforts to kill him. says, 'Minions, slaughter this fool!' says, 'Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die...' says, 'I'm no god... God has MERCY!' N:862:The Serpent of Chaos 10 says, 'Foolish worm, you are DOOMED!' says, 'I'm the Big Bad Guy, and you're toast!' shouts, 'MOO HA HA HA! I am DEATH incarnate!' says, 'Prepare for your untimely demise!' opens up a can of Whoop-Ass (tm). picks its teeth with former adventurers' bones. says, 'Maybe I won't kill you... NOT!' yawns at your pathetic efforts to kill it. says, 'Another day, another bastard to slaughter...' says, 'I can't be bothered... minions, slaughter this fool!' N:*:Default lines 104 cackles evilly. cackles diabolically. says: 'Surrender, miserable flea!' says: 'Come get some!' says: 'Let's rock!' laughs devilishly. says: 'Flee while you can, gnat!' says: 'You are about to die, maggot!' says: 'Read your prayers!' hisses: 'Die!' says: 'You don't have a chance, moron!' says: 'Fear my wrath, fool!' says: 'Feel my fury, dolt!' says: 'Groo is a genius, compared to you!' gives you a contemptuous glance. says: 'Prepare to meet your Maker, fool!' says: 'Perish, mortal!' says: 'Your puny efforts make me laugh!' says: 'Drop dead, wimp!' says: 'You should have fled while you had the chance.' screams: 'Die by my hand!' says: 'Your last wish, punk?' says: 'Your death shall be a slow, painful one.' says: 'Your head shall be my next trophy.' screams: 'You are DOOMED!' grins sadistically. says: 'This dungeon shall be your TOMB!' laughs fiendishly. says: 'Your fate is sealed, worm.' says: 'Resistance is useless.' says: 'Hell shall soon claim your remains.' says: 'Thou shalt repent of thy cunning.' says: 'Verily, thou shalt be one dead cretin.' says: 'Surrender or die!' says: 'Savor thy breath, it be thine last.' says: 'Prepare do die, miscreant!' says: 'You're history, dude!' says: 'Feeling lucky, punk?' says: 'You're toast!' says: 'You're dead meat.' says: 'Make my day.' says: 'I shall flatten you!' says: 'I could spare you, but why?' says: 'Take this, you sissy!' says: 'Nothing can save you now!' says: 'This dungeon ain't big enough for the both of us.' says: 'I'm gonna break your face!' says: 'I hope you enjoy pain!' says: 'Give me your best blow!' says: 'Draw, if you are a man!' says: 'A time to die, fool!' bellows frighteningly! says: 'You will never leave this dungeon alive!' says: 'You'll leave this dungeon only in a wooden box!' says: 'Your mother wears army boots!' says: 'Drop that weapon, NOW!' says: 'Life ain't for you, and I'm the cure!' says: 'Resistance is futile. You will be terminated.' says: 'Sight and smell of this, it gets me going.' says: 'Victim is your name and you shall fall.' says: 'Stepping out? You'll feel our hell on your back!' says: 'Now I will waste my hate on you.' says: 'Don't tread on me!' says: 'So be it! Threaten no more!' says: 'Kill for gain or shoot to maim, but I don't need a reason.' says: 'You'll die as you lived, in a flash of the blade.' says: 'You'd better stand cos there's no turning back.' says: 'I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare.' says: 'I've been looking so long for you; you won't get away from my grasp.' says: 'I'm coming after you; you can kiss your arse goodbye.' says: 'It's official; you suck!' sings: 'I hate you, you hate me, we're a helluva family.' says: 'A mere mortal dares challenge *ME*?!' says: 'There is no escape and that's for sure.' says: 'This is the end; I won't take anymore.' says: 'Say goodbye to the world you live in.' says: 'You've always been taking, but now you're giving.' says: 'My brain's on fire with the feeling to kill.' says: 'Don't try running away, because you're the one I'll find.' says: 'I was looking for you to start up a fight.' says: 'My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise!' says: 'I have found you, and there is no place to run.' says: 'My blood lust defies all my needs.' says: 'And damn'd be him that first cries: Hold, enough!' says: 'I can smell your blood, human!' says: 'Has your folly led to this?' wonders aloud how many experience points you're worth... says: 'Pride yourself on this, that you were slain by a champion.' thunders: 'May heaven have mercy on your soul, for I will have none.' screams for your blood! sighs: 'They send a poorer grade of adventurers down each year than the last.' says: 'Your life-blood will baptise my blade!' shouts: 'You will serve me in Valhalla!' snickers: 'Mommy's not here to save you now!' says: 'You're almost not worth killing...almost!' leaps towards you with death in its eye. sings: 'Cuts yer if ye stand, shoot yer if ye run.' says: 'Another adventurer? I just got through picking my teeth with the last.' says: 'Your two ears will decorate my belt.' says: 'I love all that blood.' says: 'I don't want to hurt you, I only want to kill you.' says: 'I like killing people, because it's so much fun.' screams: 'I'm out to destroy and I will cut you down!' sneers: 'You're no Lev Zakrevski.'