# CVS: Last edit by $Author: sfuerst $ on $Date: 2002/02/10 12:47:28 $ # File: w_info.txt # Defines the types of 16x16 wilderness blocks. # These blocks are described by a bounds in 256x256x256 parameter space. # The "type" is the number of the function used in the code. # The extra data fields are passed to that function. # Note that at the moment the wilderness "lite" and "none" options # have no effect here. This may change. However, it is most likely # that they will only be referenced in the create_wilderness() function. # 'N' is for number. This is used so that the various "recursive" # wilderness block generation functions can work even when w_info.txt # is edited. (You can leave "gaps" in the list.) # 'M' is for the overhead map - this is the feature to mimic in # f_info.txt Note that the overides in the pref files change the # look of this as well as the normal features. # 'W' describes the bounds in the 3D parameter space. # The first slot is "hgtmin", the second is "hgtmax" - describing # the effects of land height. # The third and fourth slots are "popmin" and "popmax" - describing # the effects of "population denisity" on the type of landscape. # The final two slots are "lawmin" and "lawmax" these separate regions # of "good" and "evil" in the wilderness. # 'T' describes wilderness Type. The first slot is the number of the # function to call to generate the 16x16 wilderness block. # The second slot describes the "chance" field. The higher the number # - the higher the probability of the wild. gen. type being used. # 'F' describes the type of terrain so that the monster generation routines # match monsters with their favourite terrains. # 'E' is a list of eight extra parameters. These parameters are passed to # the function in the 'T' flag. This allows the same function to be used # in different ways. # Testing - only 27 types at the moment. # mudflats N:1 M:10 W:0:43:0:43:0:43 T:2:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 E:10:1:11:1:84:0:0:0 # mudflats + rock N:2 M:11 W:0:43:0:43:43:85 T:2:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 E:10:1:131:1:11:1:84:0 # rock + dirt N:3 M:88 W:0:43:0:43:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:131:2:88:4:129:1:8:0 # desert N:4 M:8 W:0:43:0:43:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:8:2:131:1:14:0:0:0 # desert + scrub N:5 M:8 W:0:43:0:43:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:8:1:130:1:89:10:129:0 # scrub N:6 M:89 W:0:43:0:43:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:2:129:0 # mudflats + sub.tree N:7 M:10 W:0:43:43:85:0:43 T:2:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 E:10:1:11:1:84:3:95:0 # bayou N:8 M:95 W:0:43:43:85:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:10:50:96:100:84:150:95:255 # wasteland N:9 M:88 W:0:43:43:85:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:131:3:133:1:129:0 # wasteland N:10 M:88 W:0:43:43:85:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:8:1:131:3:133:1:129:0 # scrub N:11 M:89 W:0:43:43:85:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:1:129:0 # scrub N:12 M:89 W:0:43:43:85:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:3:129:0 # bayou N:13 M:95 W:0:43:85:128:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:10:50:96:100:84:150:95:255 # forest N:14 M:96 W:0:43:85:128:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST2 E:128:20:84:150:96:254:95:255 # beach N:15 M:8 W:0:43:85:128:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:8:2:128:1:14:0:0:0 # beach N:16 M:8 W:0:43:85:128:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:8:2:128:1:14:5:133:0 # beach N:17 M:8 W:0:43:85:128:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:8:2:128:1:14:2:96:0 # scrub + grass N:18 M:130 W:0:43:85:128:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:7:128:3:129:0 # bayou + swamp N:19 M:95 W:0:43:128:171:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:10:50:137:100:84:150:95:255 # marsh N:20 M:137 W:0:43:128:171:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:89:50:137:100:84:150:95:255 # forest N:21 M:96 W:0:43:128:171:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:137:255 # forest N:22 M:96 W:0:43:128:171:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:115:255 # forest N:23 M:96 W:0:43:128:171:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:130:255 # scrub + grass N:24 M:130 W:0:43:128:171:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:89:1:130:10:128:1:129:0 # swamp N:25 M:136 W:0:43:171:213:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP2 E:10:50:95:100:137:200:136:255 # swamp N:26 M:136 W:0:43:171:213:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP2 E:10:50:89:100:137:200:136:255 # marsh N:27 M:137 W:0:43:171:213:85:128 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:89:50:137:100:96:150:95:255 # forest N:28 M:96 W:0:43:171:213:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:130:255 # grass N:29 M:89 W:0:43:171:213:171:213 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # grass N:30 M:89 W:0:43:171:213:213:255 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:96:0 # thick swamp N:31 M:136 W:0:43:213:255:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP2 E:130:50:10:100:136:200:137:255 # swamp N:32 M:136 W:0:43:213:255:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP2 E:10:50:89:100:137:200:136:255 # marsh N:33 M:137 W:0:43:213:255:85:128 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:89:50:137:100:96:150:95:255 # grass N:34 M:89 W:0:43:213:255:128:171 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:137:0 # dirt N:35 M:88 W:0:43:213:255:171:213 T:2:100 E:88:5:128:5:89:1:14:0 # farm (Need new routine.) N:36 M:88 W:0:43:213:255:213:255 T:4:100 E:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 # Leave gap for later additions to first layer... # pond N:37 M:84 W:0:43:128:171:128:171 T:3:1 E:22:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # pond N:38 M:84 W:0:43:128:171:171:213 T:3:1 E:23:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # pond N:39 M:84 W:0:43:171:213:128:171 T:3:1 E:28:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # pond N:40 M:84 W:0:43:171:213:171:213 T:3:1 E:29:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # mud hole N:41 M:10 W:0:43:213:255:0:43 T:3:6 E:31:10:10:84:0:0:0:0 # mudflats N:50 M:10 W:43:85:0:43:0:43 T:2:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 E:10:1:11:1:84:2:88:0 # mudflats + rock N:51 M:11 W:43:85:0:43:43:85 T:2:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 E:10:1:131:1:11:1:84:0 # salt pan N:52 M:9 W:43:85:0:43:85:128 T:2:100 F:SWAMP1 | WASTE1 E:9:1:11:1:8:2:88:0 # desert N:53 M:8 W:43:85:0:43:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:8:2:131:1:14:0:0:0 # desert + scrub N:54 M:8 W:43:85:0:43:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:8:1:130:1:89:10:129:0 # scrub N:55 M:130 W:43:85:0:43:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:2:129:0 # dirt N:56 M:88 W:43:85:43:85:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:88:5:129:5:89:1:133:0 # dirt N:57 M:88 W:43:85:43:85:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:5:129:1:133:2:89:0 # wasteland N:58 M:14 W:43:85:43:85:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:88:1:131:3:133:1:129:0 # rocky desert N:59 M:14 W:43:85:43:85:128:171 T:1:100 F:WASTE1 | MOUNT1 E:14:150:131:200:8:254:129:255 # scrub N:60 M:130 W:43:85:43:85:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:1:8:0 # scrub N:61 M:130 W:43:85:43:85:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:100:1:128:0 # grass N:62 M:89 W:43:85:85:128:0:43 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:84:0 # marsh N:63 M:137 W:43:85:85:128:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:89:50:137:100:130:150:95:255 # grass N:64 M:89 W:43:85:85:128:85:128 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:84:0 # scrub N:65 M:130 W:43:85:85:128:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:100:1:128:0 # pine forest N:66 M:100 W:43:85:85:128:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:100:254:130:255 # pine forest N:67 M:100 W:43:85:85:128:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # long grass N:68 M:130 W:43:85:128:171:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | SWAMP1 E:130:1:89:3:133:1:131:0 # long grass N:69 M:130 W:43:85:128:171:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:129:1:133:0 # scrub N:70 M:130 W:43:85:128:171:85:128 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:96:1:128:0 # forest N:71 M:96 W:43:85:128:171:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:254:130:255 # forest + pine forest N:72 M:100 W:43:85:128:171:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:100:100:128:150:96:254:130:255 # pine forest N:73 M:100 W:43:85:128:171:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # marsh N:74 M:137 W:43:85:171:213:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 E:89:50:137:100:130:150:95:255 # marsh N:75 M:137 W:43:85:171:213:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:89:50:137:100:130:150:96:255 # forest N:76 M:96 W:43:85:171:213:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # forest N:77 M:96 W:43:85:171:213:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:115:255 # grass N:78 M:89 W:43:85:171:213:171:213 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:1:96:1:130:0 # grass N:79 M:89 W:43:85:171:213:213:255 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:88:0 # swamp N:80 M:136 W:43:85:213:255:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP2 E:10:50:89:100:137:200:136:255 # bayou + swamp N:81 M:137 W:43:85:213:255:43:85 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:10:50:137:100:115:150:95:255 # jungle N:82 M:115 W:43:85:213:255:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 | FOREST1 E:89:50:115:100:96:254:130:255 # forest N:83 M:96 W:43:85:213:255:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # grass + forest N:84 M:128 W:43:85:213:255:171:213 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:2:128:1:96:1:130:0 # farm (Need new routine.) N:85 M:88 W:43:85:213:255:213:255 T:4:100 E:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 # Leave gap for later additions to second layer... # pond N:86 M:84 W:43:85:128:171:128:171 T:3:1 E:71:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # pond N:87 M:84 W:43:85:128:171:171:213 T:3:1 E:72:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # pond N:88 M:84 W:43:85:171:213:128:171 T:3:1 E:77:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # pond N:89 M:84 W:43:85:171:213:171:213 T:3:1 E:78:84:84:83:0:0:0:0 # jungle clearing N:90 M:89 W:43:85:213:255:85:128 T:3:6 E:82:89:84:83:0:0:0:0 # dirt N:100 M:88 W:85:128:0:43:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:5:129:1:133:2:89:0 # wasteland N:101 M:14 W:85:128:0:43:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:88:1:131:3:133:1:129:0 # wasteland N:102 M:133 W:85:128:0:43:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:88:1:8:3:133:1:129:0 # desert + scrub N:103 M:8 W:85:128:0:43:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:8:1:130:1:89:10:129:0 # scrub N:104 M:130 W:85:128:0:43:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:2:96:0 # grass N:105 M:89 W:85:128:0:43:213:255 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # dirt N:106 M:88 W:85:128:43:85:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:88:5:129:1:133:2:89:0 # wasteland N:107 M:14 W:85:128:43:85:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:130:3:133:1:129:0 # scrub N:108 M:130 W:85:128:43:85:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:128:2:96:0 # scrub N:109 M:130 W:85:128:43:85:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:8:2:96:0 # grass + forest N:110 M:128 W:85:128:43:85:171:213 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:2:128:1:96:1:130:0 # grass + pine forest N:111 M:128 W:85:128:43:85:213:255 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:2:128:1:100:1:130:0 # scrub N:112 M:130 W:85:128:85:128:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:88:2:96:0 # scrub N:113 M:130 W:85:128:85:128:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:96:0 # grass N:114 M:89 W:85:128:85:128:85:128 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # forest N:115 M:96 W:85:128:85:128:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:100:255 # snow covered forest N:116 M:101 W:85:128:85:128:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:132:255 # pine forest N:117 M:100 W:85:128:85:128:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # forest N:118 M:96 W:85:128:128:171:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:130:255 # long grass N:119 M:130 W:85:128:128:171:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:129:1:133:0 # scrub N:120 M:130 W:85:128:128:171:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:96:0 # forest N:121 M:96 W:85:128:128:171:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:100:255 # pine forest N:122 M:100 W:85:128:128:171:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:50:101:100:100:254:131:255 # pine forest N:123 M:100 W:85:128:128:171:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # marsh N:124 M:137 W:85:128:171:213:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP1 | FOREST1 E:89:50:137:100:130:150:96:255 # forest N:125 M:96 W:85:128:171:213:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # forest N:126 M:96 W:85:128:171:213:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:100:128:150:96:250:115:255 # forest N:127 M:96 W:85:128:171:213:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:100:255 # forest N:128 M:96 W:85:128:171:213:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:96:250:100:255 # farm (Need new routine.) N:129 M:89 W:85:128:171:213:213:255 T:4:100 E:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 # marsh N:130 M:137 W:85:128:213:255:0:43 T:1:100 F:SWAMP2 | FOREST2 E:115:50:137:100:130:150:96:255 # jungle N:131 M:115 W:85:128:213:255:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 | FOREST1 E:137:50:115:100:96:254:130:255 # jungle N:132 M:115 W:85:128:213:255:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 | FOREST1 E:128:50:115:100:96:254:130:255 # forest N:133 M:96 W:85:128:213:255:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # scrub N:134 M:130 W:85:128:213:255:171:213 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:96:1:128:0 # grass N:135 M:89 W:85:128:213:255:213:255 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:14:0 # Leave gap for later additions to third layer... # volcanic region N:150 M:15 W:128:171:0:43:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | WASTE2 E:15:100:14:150:133:250:97:255 # wasteland N:151 M:14 W:128:171:0:43:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:88:1:97:3:133:1:129:0 # wasteland N:152 M:14 W:128:171:0:43:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:88:1:97:3:130:1:129:0 # dirt N:153 M:88 W:128:171:0:43:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:5:129:1:130:2:89:0 # scrub N:154 M:130 W:128:171:0:43:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | MOUNT1 E:130:1:89:5:14:2:96:0 # mountains N:155 M:97 W:128:171:0:43:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:100:97:200:98:220:101:255 # wasteland N:156 M:14 W:128:171:43:85:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:97:3:133:1:129:0 # wasteland N:157 M:14 W:128:171:43:85:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:97:3:130:1:129:0 # scrub N:158 M:130 W:128:171:43:85:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:96:0 # scrub N:159 M:130 W:128:171:43:85:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:88:2:133:0 # scrub + snow N:160 M:134 W:128:171:43:85:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:135:5:101:2:134:0 # snow N:161 M:135 W:128:171:43:85:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:135:1:132:5:88:2:101:0 # scrub N:162 M:130 W:128:171:85:128:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:129:0 # long grass N:163 M:130 W:128:171:85:128:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:129:1:133:0 # grass N:164 M:89 W:128:171:85:128:85:128 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:130:0 # forest N:165 M:96 W:128:171:85:128:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:100:255 # snow covered forest N:166 M:101 W:128:171:85:128:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:130:255 # snow covered forest N:167 M:101 W:128:171:85:128:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:132:255 # forest N:168 M:96 W:128:171:128:171:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:130:255 # long grass N:169 M:130 W:128:171:128:171:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:96:1:133:0 # long grass N:170 M:130 W:128:171:128:171:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:3:96:1:133:0 # forest N:171 M:96 W:128:171:128:171:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:100:255 # pine forest N:172 M:100 W:128:171:128:171:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # pine forest N:173 M:100 W:128:171:128:171:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:88:255 # forest N:174 M:96 W:128:171:171:213:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # forest N:175 M:96 W:128:171:171:213:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # forest N:176 M:96 W:128:171:171:213:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:130:255 # forest N:177 M:96 W:128:171:171:213:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:131:255 # dirt N:178 M:88 W:128:171:171:213:171:213 T:2:100 E:88:5:128:5:89:1:14:0 # farm (Need new routine.) N:179 M:88 W:128:171:171:213:213:255 T:4:100 E:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 # jungle N:180 M:115 W:128:171:213:255:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 | FOREST1 E:89:50:115:100:96:254:130:255 # jungle N:181 M:115 W:128:171:213:255:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 | FOREST1 E:89:50:115:100:96:254:130:255 # forest N:182 M:96 W:128:171:213:255:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # grass N:183 M:89 W:128:171:213:255:128:171 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # grass N:184 M:89 W:128:171:213:255:171:213 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:96:0 # grass N:185 M:89 W:128:171:213:255:213:255 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:88:1:130:0 # Leave gap for later additions to fourth layer... # volcanic region N:200 M:15 W:171:213:0:43:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT1 | MOUNT2 | WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:15:100:14:150:131:250:97:255 # volcanic region N:201 M:15 W:171:213:0:43:43:85 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | WASTE2 E:15:100:14:150:133:250:97:255 # badlands N:202 M:14 W:171:213:0:43:85:128 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | WASTE2 E:14:100:11:150:94:200:133:255 # wasteland N:203 M:14 W:171:213:0:43:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:115:0 # pine forest N:204 M:100 W:171:213:0:43:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:97:255 # mountains N:205 M:97 W:171:213:0:43:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:100:97:200:98:220:101:255 # mountains N:206 M:97 W:171:213:43:85:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:15:255 # wasteland N:207 M:14 W:171:213:43:85:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:97:0 # wasteland N:208 M:14 W:171:213:43:85:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:11:0 # wasteland N:209 M:14 W:171:213:43:85:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:100:0 # pine forest N:210 M:100 W:171:213:43:85:171:213 T:1:100 F:WASTE1 | MOUNT1 | FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:97:255 # mountains N:211 M:97 W:171:213:43:85:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | MOUNT1 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:101:255 # badlands N:212 M:14 W:171:213:85:128:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT1 | WASTE2 E:14:100:11:150:94:200:133:255 # wasteland N:213 M:14 W:171:213:85:128:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:11:0 # scrub N:214 M:130 W:171:213:85:128:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:100:0 # pine forest N:215 M:100 W:171:213:85:128:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:135:255 # snow covered forest N:216 M:101 W:171:213:85:128:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 | MOUNT1 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:132:255 # mountains N:217 M:97 W:171:213:85:128:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:101:255 # scrub N:218 M:130 W:171:213:128:171:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:11:1:130:5:133:2:96:0 # scrub N:219 M:130 W:171:213:128:171:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:129:5:133:2:96:0 # grass N:220 M:89 W:171:213:128:171:85:128 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # forest N:221 M:96 W:171:213:128:171:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:130:255 # pine forest N:222 M:100 W:171:213:128:171:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # pine forest N:223 M:100 W:171:213:128:171:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:101:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # forest N:224 M:96 W:171:213:171:213:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:50:128:100:96:250:130:255 # forest N:225 M:96 W:171:213:171:213:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:96:250:115:255 # pine forest N:226 M:100 W:171:213:171:213:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:89:255 # pine forest N:227 M:100 W:171:213:171:213:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:135:255 # dirt N:228 M:88 W:171:213:171:213:171:213 T:2:100 E:88:5:128:5:89:1:14:0 # farm (Need new routine.) N:229 M:88 W:171:213:171:213:213:255 T:4:100 E:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 # forest N:230 M:96 W:171:213:213:255:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:96:254:115:255 # forest N:231 M:96 W:171:213:213:255:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST1 | FOREST2 E:100:100:128:150:96:254:115:255 # pine forest N:232 M:100 W:171:213:213:255:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:131:255 # snow covered forest N:233 M:101 W:171:213:213:255:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:132:255 # snow N:234 M:135 W:171:213:213:255:171:213 T:2:100 E:135:1:132:5:88:2:101:0 # dirt N:235 M:88 W:171:213:213:255:213:255 T:2:100 E:88:5:128:5:89:1:135:0 # Leave gap for later additions to fifth layer... # Acid Pool N:236 M:94 W:171:213:0:43:85:128 T:3:6 E:202:94:94:93:0:0:0:0 # Acid Pool N:237 M:94 W:171:213:85:128:0:43 T:3:6 E:212:94:94:93:0:0:0:0 # Lava Pool N:238 M:86 W:171:213:0:43:0:43 T:3:6 E:200:86:86:85:0:0:0:0 # volcanic region N:250 M:15 W:213:255:0:43:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT1 | MOUNT2 | WASTE1 | WASTE2 E:15:100:14:150:131:250:97:255 # volcanic region N:251 M:15 W:213:255:0:43:43:85 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | MOUNT1 | WASTE2 E:15:100:14:150:133:250:97:255 # badlands N:252 M:14 W:213:255:0:43:85:128 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | WASTE2 E:14:100:11:150:94:200:133:255 # wasteland N:253 M:14 W:213:255:0:43:128:171 T:2:100 F:MOUNT1 | WASTE2 E:130:1:11:5:88:2:97:0 # mountains N:254 M:97 W:213:255:0:43:171:213 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:100:97:200:98:220:101:255 # mountains N:255 M:98 W:213:255:0:43:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:101:255 # mountains N:256 M:97 W:213:255:43:85:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:15:255 # wasteland N:257 M:14 W:213:255:43:85:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:97:0 # wasteland N:258 M:14 W:213:255:43:85:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:11:0 # scrub N:259 M:130 W:213:255:43:85:128:171 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:100:0 # pine forest N:260 M:100 W:213:255:43:85:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:130:50:128:100:100:254:135:255 # mountains N:261 M:98 W:213:255:43:85:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:101:255 # badlands N:262 M:14 W:213:255:85:128:0:43 T:1:100 F:MOUNT2 | WASTE2 E:14:100:11:150:94:200:130:255 # wasteland N:263 M:88 W:213:255:85:128:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE2 E:88:1:133:3:130:1:11:0 # scrub N:264 M:130 W:213:255:85:128:85:128 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:89:5:133:2:100:0 # grass N:265 M:89 W:213:255:85:128:128:171 T:2:100 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # pine forest N:266 M:100 W:213:255:85:128:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:100:254:130:255 # mountains N:267 M:98 W:213:255:85:128:213:255 T:1:100 F:MOUNT1 | MOUNT2 E:132:50:134:100:98:200:101:255 # scrub N:268 M:130 W:213:255:128:171:0:43 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:11:1:130:5:133:2:96:0 # scrub N:269 M:130 W:213:255:128:171:43:85 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 | FOREST1 E:130:1:129:5:133:2:96:0 # grass N:270 M:89 W:213:255:128:171:85:128 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # grass N:271 M:89 W:213:255:128:171:128:171 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:5:128:5:96:1:130:0 # snow covered forest N:272 M:101 W:213:255:128:171:171:213 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:132:255 # snow covered forest N:273 M:101 W:213:255:128:171:213:255 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:135:100:100:150:101:254:132:255 # grass N:274 M:89 W:213:255:171:213:0:43 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:5:128:5:100:1:130:0 # grass N:275 M:89 W:213:255:171:213:43:85 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:5:128:5:100:1:130:0 # grass N:276 M:89 W:213:255:171:213:85:128 T:2:100 F:FOREST1 E:89:5:128:5:100:1:130:0 # pine forest N:277 M:100 W:213:255:171:213:128:171 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:128:150:100:254:130:255 # snow N:278 M:135 W:213:255:171:213:171:213 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:135:1:132:5:88:2:101:0 # snow N:279 M:135 W:213:255:171:213:213:255 T:2:100 F:WASTE1 E:135:1:132:5:88:2:101:0 # pine forest N:280 M:100 W:213:255:213:255:0:43 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:96:150:100:254:130:255 # pine forest N:281 M:100 W:213:255:213:255:43:85 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:96:150:100:254:130:255 # pine forest N:282 M:100 W:213:255:213:255:85:128 T:1:100 F:FOREST2 E:89:100:101:150:100:254:130:255 # tundra N:283 M:101 W:213:255:213:255:128:171 T:1:100 F:MOUNT1 | FOREST1 | WASTE1 E:135:100:132:150:101:220:134:255 # tundra N:284 M:101 W:213:255:213:255:171:213 T:1:100 F:MOUNT1 | FOREST1 | WASTE1 E:135:100:132:150:101:220:134:255 # dirt N:285 M:88 W:213:255:213:255:213:255 T:2:100 E:88:5:135:5:132:1:14:0 # Extra features..... # Acid Pool N:286 M:94 W:213:255:0:43:85:128 T:3:6 E:262:94:94:93:0:0:0:0 # Acid Pool N:287 M:94 W:213:255:85:128:0:43 T:3:6 E:252:94:94:93:0:0:0:0 # Lava Pool N:288 M:86 W:213:255:0:43:0:43 T:3:6 E:250:86:86:85:0:0:0:0