MinGW: download MinGW, MSYS and msysDTK from http://www.mingw.org/ and install in this order download "GLUT for MinGW" from http://mywebpage.netscape.com/PtrPck/glut.htm extract include/ and lib/ into MinGW directory extract glut32.dll into "CG Madness" source directory or windows/system32 download "GLEW"-source from http://glew.sourceforge.net/ start msys install from glew source directory with "make install GLEW_DEST=/mingw" you may need to copy glew32.dll from /mingw/bin into "CG Madness" source directory or windows/system32 to play without MSYS now you can go into "CG Madness" source directory and build with "make" Cygwin: install cygwin with gcc, make, etc. from http://www.cygwin.com/ download "GLUT for MinGW" from http://mywebpage.netscape.com/PtrPck/glut.htm extract content of include/ into cygwin/usr/include/w32api/ directory extract content of lib/ into cygwin/lib/w32api/ directory extract glut32.dll into "CG Madness" source directory or windows/system32 download "GLEW"-source from http://glew.sourceforge.net/ start cygwin go into glew source directory build glew with "make CFLAGS.EXTRA=-mno-cygwin LDFLAGS.EXTRA=-mno-cygwin SYSTEM=mingw" copy content of glew/include into cygwin/usr/include/w32api/ copy content of glew/lib into cygwin/lib/w32api/ also copy glew/lib/glew32.dll into "CG Madness" source directory or windows/system32 now you can go into "CG Madness" source directory and build with "make" Linux: required packages: freeglut3-dev libglew-dev (or equivalent) to build just go into source directory and type "make" Mac OS X: (tested on PowerBook G4/Leopard) In order to compile cgmadness you need glew. An easy way is to download and install it through DarwinPorts: http://darwinports.com/download/ Open the Terminal.app and enter sudo port install glew In the cgmadness source dir type make to build cgmadness