vhf Import / Export library 2004-09-22 The vhf import/export library is a set of classes which allow the import and export of DXF, HPGL, Gerber, DIN, as well as the import of PostScript/PDF (using a standard PostScript interpreter like GhostScript or Display PostScript). The library imports primarily two dimensional data, the extension to three dimensions (DXF, DIN) is not hard, however. The library is written in Objective-C. So far the library supports the following formats: Import Formats - DXF see supported language features in documentation - G-Codes (drill data - DIN, Excellon, Sieb&Meyer, etc.) language configuration via configuration files (Device/din/) - Gerber language configuration via configuration files (Device/gerber/) (extended Gerber as well as standard Gerber with aperture table) - HPGL language configuration via configuration files (Device/hpgl/) - PostScript / PDF needs a separate PostScript interpreter like GhostScript or a Display PostScript System installed. - Adobe Illustrator support for loading AI prologue files is implemented. All you need are the header files with the prologues of the various AI versions. - (Type 1 Fonts) Export Formats - DXF - Gerber (RS274X) Export of extended Gerber including complex paths - HPGL - (Type 1 Fonts) - a PostScript export is already part of the Mac-OS X / GNUstep system Supported plattforms - Mac-OS X - GNUstep libraries (Linux and other Unix derivated) Commercial License A commercial license for developers of proprietary software is available from vhf interservice for a reasonable one time fee. For more information take a look at the class descriptions and the Appendix of the Cenon handbook.