Cenon Change Log - 2013 next Cenon 4.0.2 2013-01-02 Georg Fleischmann * vhfCompatibility.h: NSAppKitVersionNumber10_7, NSAppKitVersionNumber10_8 added * Document.m (-printDocument:): call cleanUpOperation, use newer -setShowsPrintPanel: method (not -setShowPanel:) Document.m (-printDocument:): translate view and reduce view frame to counter act paper margins -> Workaround Mac OS 10.8: counter-measure to remove paper margins 2013-01-24 Georg Fleischmann * psImportAI3.prolog, psImportAI3.trailer: Adobe_pattern_AI3 added * vhfCompatibility.h (VHFSelectorIsEqual(a, b)): use sel_isEqual(a, b) instead of sel_eq() -> Fix, GNUstep: compatibility issues 2013-02-01 Georg Fleischmann (thank goes to to Fred Kiefer) * VHFPopUpButtonAdditions.h (): #include "vhfCompatibility.h", not -> Fix, GNUstep: compatibility issues 2013-02-09 Georg Fleischmann * Document.m (-windowShouldClose:): use [self save:nil] (not save) -> Fix, Close Window: allow setting the file, when document isn't saved yet 2013-02-13 Georg Fleischmann (thank goes to to Fred Kiefer) * GNUmakefile: Vectorizer.m added * DocView.m: include header VCurveFit.h from GraphicObjects.subproj * types.h: define MAXFLOAT if not defined (64 Bit Linux) 2013-03-21 Georg Fleischmann * Main.xml: Format->Grid uses Cmd-* (On/Off), CMD-Alt-* (Panel), and Cmd-Shift-* (Align to Grid) -> Grid: the Menu Format->Grid has assigned new key shortcuts: Cmd-* (On/Off), CMD-Alt-* (Panel), and Cmd-Shift-* (Align to Grid) 2013-04-10 Georg Fleischmann * GNUstep fixes CenonInfo.plist: current version number GNUMakefile: Main.nib -> xib, Info.nib -> xib, ToolPanel.nib -> xib compatibility.h (VHFIsDrawingToScreen()): workaround for GNUstep Cairo backend -> GNUstep fixes 2013-04-11 Georg Fleischmann * PreferencesPanel.subproj/GNUMakefile: PreferencesPanel.nib -> xib 2013-04-16 Georg Fleischmann * DXFImport.h: table is NSDictionary now, layers have the key "layer" DXFImport.m (-scanGroup:): style added DXFImport.m (-getTableFromData:): return dictionary DXFImport.m (-getColorFromLayer:): was -getColorFromTable: DXFImport.m (-scanGroup:): group.style added DXFImport.m (-getText:): set fontName -> DXF-Import: import font of text if available 2013-06-14 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-listFromPSFile:): AI with header will be loaded as UTF8 and lossy for more tolerance -> Fix, AI-Import: more tolerant handling of string encodings 2013-02-05 Ilonka Fleischmann * Document.m (-save): [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Cenon %@", version] instead only Cenon -> New: Cenon Version saved to File 2013-06-29 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-scaleUnitSquareToSize:): save scale to docSettingsDict Document.m (+newFromFile:): scale new file to saved scaleFactor TileScrollView.m, h (-scaleTo:): new - scale Document to new scaleFactor -> New: Opening a document restores scale factor 2013-02-14 Ilonka Fleischmann ( Schoeberl) * VArc.m (-contour:): Diff() > 0.0001 - instead only radius+r < 0.0 - Apple floats -> Fix, Arc Contour: accuracy with settlement improved 2013-08-09 Ilonka Fleischmann * VArc.m (-getListOfObjectsSplittedFrom:pArray:): dist center tp pt near radius, tolerance corrected -> Fix, Arc Contour: accuracy improved 2013-08-13 Ilonka Fleischmann * VRectangle.m (-hit:fuzz:): rotate p back before let path do the job -> Fix, Rectangle: selection of rectangles with round corners improved 2013-09-13 Georg Fleischmann * getInsert(): set state.layer to place objects to layer of insert (not layer from blocks) getGraphicFromData(), getLWPolyline(), getPolyLine(): place objects to state.layer (insert) not the layer of the blocks -> Fix, DXF-Import: place inserts on correct layer