Cenon Change Log - 2012 2012-01-04 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-moveObject:::): no beep, when locked object is beeing selected -> Fix, Select: no annoying beep when locked object is being selected * VText.m (-textDidEndEditing:): if locked, don't change size of text box -> Fix, Text: editing a locked Text will not adjust the size of the text box any more 2012-01-04 Georg Fleischmann * XCode Project: Menu Project -> Set Active SDK to "Base SDK" (was 10.4 !) DEBUG Configuration: Architectures = Native Architecture of Build Machine ($NATIVE_ARCH) Base SDK = 10.5 (10.4) Compiler = GCC 4.2 (4.0) Deployment Target = 10.5 (10.4) 2012-01-05 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-compileDate): m is NSUInteger, not int, to allow comparison with NSNotFound Multiple methods warnings removed * lots of cString -> UTF8String SVGImport.m: -scanFloat: into NSPoint -> [scanner scanDouble:&d]; point.x = d; * Vectorizer.m (-set:): cast cell to NSCell to know which state method is needed * SVGImport.m: cast list and g to remove warnings scanFloat: into NSPoint -> [scanner scanDouble:&d]; point.x = d; * HPGLImport.m (-getLabelSize:): scanDouble:d and make it work with all sizes of NSSize * DXFImport.m (-addLayer:): stringWithUTF8String: * GerberImportSub.m, HPGLImportSub.m * dvUndo.m (-takeFillFrom:): rewritten to use setFilled: directly * ... 2012-01-08 Georg Fleischmann * VText.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): use -encodeRect:bounds, bounds = decodeRect and -encodePoint:radialCenter, radialCenter = decodePoint, to make it work with 64 bit too VSinking.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): encodePoint:origin, origin = decodePoint VPath.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): encodePoint:radialCenter, radialCenter = decodePoint VMark.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): origin VLine.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): p0, p1 VPolyLine.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): radialCenter VRectangle.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): origin, size, radialCenter VImage.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): origin, size, originalSize VGroup.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): radialCenter VArc.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): center, start, (angle), radialCenter VCrosshairs.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): origin VCurve.m (-encodeWithCoder:, -initWithCoder:): p0, p1, p2, p3 - Fix, 64-bit: fix 64 bit issues 2012-01-15 Georg Fleischmann * XCode Project: Release Configuration: compile 3-way universal binary ARCHS = x86_64 i386 ppc SDKROOT = macosx10.5 SDKROOT[arch=ppc] = macosx10.4 SDKROOT[arch=i386] = macosx10.4 GCC_VERSION = 4.2 GCC_VERSION [sdk=macosx10.4] = 4.0 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.5 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET[arch=ppc] = 10.4 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET[arch=i386] = 10.4 * *Import.m, h (): addList:(NSArray*)aList toList:(NSMutableArray*)bList; 2012-01-16 Georg Fleischmann * XCode Project: Application Target: GCC 4.2: GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO -> this makes symbols survive strip, otherwise everything is stripped, no matter what 2012-01-18 Georg Fleischmann * VLine.m (-initWithCoder:): get version from VLine class ! 2012-01-19 Georg Fleischmann * VPath.m (-contour:inlay:splitCurves:): simplified sc cases to: gPrev = [splittedCurves objectAtIndex:sc-1]; // sc = 1 - 4 gPrev = [splittedCurves objectAtIndex:sc+1]; // sc = 0 - 3 2012-01-20 Georg Fleischmann * VArc.m (-intersectArc::::): use angular tolerance, tolAng = TOLERANCE_DEG types.h: TOLERANCE_DEG = 0.0036 added for angular comparisons -> Fix, Arc Contour: fixed issues with contour of not precicely connected arcs 2012-01-23 Georg Fleischmann * VPath.m (-contour:inlay:splitCurves:): gNext fixed, when curves are splitted [done: 2012-01-19] * DocView.m (-knowsPageRange:): new, -knowsFirst:last: is long deprecated and now removed 2012-01-24 Ilonka Fleischmann * LayerObject.m (-stepsForDip:): dip instead dippingDepth ! * VPath.m (-splitTo:): -getLastObjectOfSubPath2: instead -getLastObjectOfSubPath: 2x -> Fix Split: Open paths splitted faster * VPath.m (-setDirectionCCW:): do not change direction for open paths - always wrong ! -> Fix Contour: do not Change Direction of open Paths anymore * VPath.m (-contour:inlay:splitCurves:): line, linePrev, lineNext [VLine line] instead new VPath.m (-contour:inlay:splitCurves:): work with pathcopy - to not disturb path and add AutorelasePool VPath.m (-contour:inlay:splitCurves:): some <= instead < in ( needArc ) -> Fix Leak: little memory leak in Contour calculation 2012-01-25 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-draw:): 2x do not draw passive Layers LAYER_PASSIVE FIXME: this is not good, we should add methods in LayerObject (-drawLayer, -setDrawLayer:) * vhf2DFunctions.m, h (-vhfConvert3DLineToLines()): new 2011-07-11 Ilonka Fleischmann * VLine.m (-sqrDistanceGraphic:::, -sqrDistanceGraphic:): all new Graphics recognized * VArc.m (-sqrDistanceGraphic:::, -sqrDistanceGraphic:): all new Graphics recognized VArc.m (-getPointOnArcClosestToPoint:intersection:): fixed - for all possible cases VArc.m (-sqrDistanceLine::, -sqrDistanceLine::::): fixed - for all possible cases VArc.m (-sqrDistanceArc:::, -sqrDistanceArc:): fixed - for all possible cases VArc.m (-sqrDistanceCurve:::, -sqrDistanceCurve:): fixed - for all possible cases * VCurve.m (-sqrDistanceGraphic:::, -sqrDistanceGraphic:): all new Graphics recognized VCurve.m (-sqrDistanceGraphic:::): new VCurve.m (pointOnCurveNextToPoint()): 100 instead 20 VCurve.m (-sqrDistanceLine::, -sqrDistanceLine::::): new VCurve.m (-sqrDistanceCurve::, -sqrDistanceCurve::::): new -> Fix Distance Methods: now we have exact distance Methods 2012-01-25 Georg Fleischmann * WorkingAreaPanel.m (-awakeFromNib:): make cells respond to Tab -> Working Area Panel: changes are accepted by pressing Tab key (as well as Enter) 2011-12-25 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-draw:): [layerObject invisible] == YES continue 2x LayerObject.m,h (-setInvisible:, -invisible, invisible): invisible Flag new LayerObject.m (-init, -initFromPropertyList:, -propertyList, initWithCoder:): invisible added -> Passive Layer drawing: corrected now 2012-01-25 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-loadModules): CAM module is loaded just like any other modules 2012-01-30 Georg Fleischmann * VImage.m (drawWithPrincipal:): if principal = nil, set scale to 1.0 -> Fix, TIFF-Export: save images 2012-02-04 Georg Fleischmann * types.h: V3Point uses VFloat instead of float, VFloat = CGFloat * DXFImport.m: InternalToDeviceRes(), DeviceResToInternal(): float -> double DXFImport.m (-scanGroup:): transform coordinates from OCS to WCS, if necessary DXFImport.m (transformOCS(), scaleToUnit(), crossProduct()): new -> Fix, DXF-Import: added transformation of coordinates from Object- to World-coordinate system 2012-02-06 Georg Fleischmann * vhfCommonFunctions.m, h (vhfUserDocuments()): added functions.m (systemLibray()): return nil on Apple App.m (-loadModules:): check for path == nil * Packages: "/Library" -> "/Library/Application Support" 2012-02-07 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (restoreSnapshot): if file is not at path, try loading by adding last path component of Library Path -> Apple, keep things working through transition to "Library/Application Support" location * PSImport.m (-tmpPath): new with path from NSTemporaryDirectory PSImport.m (-importPS:): App-Name added to output path, fileName in psImport.prolog replaced PSImport.m: include VHFStringAdditions.h to have a writeToFile:... on OS X < 10.5 VHFStringAdditions.m, h (-writeToFile:...encoding:error:): added for backward compatibility * DXFExport.m GerberExport.m HPGLExport.m (-saveToFile:): use writeToFile:...encoding:error: EPSExport.m (-writeToFile:): use writeToFile:...encoding:error: * UpdateController.m (-install:): use NSTemporaryDirectory() as 2nd choice after Downloads folder * UpdateController.m (-connectionDidFinishLoading:): use writeToFile:...encoding:error: 2012-02-10 Georg Fleischmann * XCode: always use default compiler, except with 10.4 SDK in all projects "Default" compile target removed in all projects "Fix & Continue" settings removed in all projects use XCode 3.1 format to have support for conditional SDK settings in all projects double header in copy headers removed "Symbols Hidden by Default" for Cenon App and Debug removed * NotificationNames.h was in Preferences and ProjectSettings, removed in ProjectSettings 2012-02-13 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-hitEdge:..., -moveObject:..., -redrawObject:...): VGroup.m, VPolyLine.m (-hitEdge:...): get closest point, not first one -> Fix, Editing, Snap: address issue where snap to point skips some points * dvGrid.m (-drawGrid): every 10th line is drawn thicker -> Grid: every tenth line is drawn thicker for better overview * DocView.m (-dragSelect:): make sure we are dealing with Path-Objects before taking the distance -> Fix, Drag-Select: avoid logs for Text Graphics * DocView.m (-drawRect:): centerScanRect removed, as it does harm instead of help instead we round the rectangle to sit on full point coordinates -> Fix, Redraw: redraw after zoom will not move cache window (especially grid) around 2012-02-13 Ilonka Fleischmann * ICUTImport.m (-getGraphicFromData:): in ops.lineto also ops.cutcontour like ops.corner ICUTImport.m (-getGraphicFromData:): letzten else Zweige: state.path = 0 sonst schleife -> ICUT Import: some fixes 2012-02-13 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-setList:): keep order, when separating color to layers -> Fix, Import: keep order of imported elements when separation of "Color to Layers" is active 2012-02-28 Georg Fleischmann * VText.m (-setAngle:): prevent rotAngle >= 360 -> Fix, Text angle: these would be displayed as 360 in inspector, which is wrong * VText.m (-drawWithPrincipal:): setFrame of drawText twice to make mirrored text visible on Apple -> Fix, Text, Apple: workaround added to make mirrored text visible * vhfCommonFunctions.m, h (vhfModulo()): new IPText.m, IPRectangle.m (-update:): display modulo of rotAngle IPText.m, IPRectangle.m, IPLine.m (-setAngle:): set modulo of angle IPArc.m (-setBegAngle:): allow entering negative angle IPLine.m (-setAngle:): set angle in steps of 1.0/5.0 degree (not 0.1/1.0) -> Fix, Inspector: improve setting of angles * functions.h (CenonUnit): UNIT_NONE = -1 added, this fixes a 64 bit issue with -1 turning into unsigned int 2012-02-29 Ilonka Fleischmann * SplitGraphicsChange.m,h (-noteList:, -redoChange, -undoChange, -init, -dealloc): add splitList SplitGraphicsChange.m (-redoChange): [graphicView removeGraphic: instead of [layer removeObject: JoinGraphicsChange.m (-notePathBefore:): keine copy JoinGraphicsChange.m (-undoDetails:, -redoDetails:, -correctDirectionOfGraphic:, -correctDirectionOfPath): correct directions DocView.m (-joinSelection:message:): new Object (copy) for obj1 -> Fix Split/Join Undo: now it works fine 2012-02-29 Ilonka Fleischmann * ICUTImport.m (-getGraphicFromData:): vorletzter else Zweig: KEIN state.path = 0 sonst werden es keine Pfade -> ICUT Import: one fix 2012-02-28 Georg Fleischmann * propertyList.m: %.9g -> %.12g -> save with higher precision * VPolyLine.m (-propertyList): allways save fillColor, for it's just tooo screwed up. save compared to Black instead of color, but comparison was just with "!=", not isEqual: and failed too -> Fix, PolyLine: correct color in case stroke is not black and fill is Black, but happens only sometimes because of != comparison of objects 2012-03-06 Georg Fleischmann * VGroup.m (-coordBounds): skip elements with zero size * VText.m (-getFlattenedObjectAt:...): test for [pathG count] before inserting path -> Fix, Flatten Text: avoid empty path in flattened text 2012-03-07 Ilonka Fleischmann * IPLine.xib (German): "Ausschliessen" instead of "exclude"; IPLine.xib: connection of lockSwitch added for German, French, Danish 2012-03-08 Georg Fleischmann //* VPath.m (-drawRadialWithPrincipal:): if fillCOlor or endColor == nil, use black // -> SVG-Import can create fillColor = nil, probably other stuff too * DocView.m (-drawRect:): tried to find redraw performance problem without cache. If cache is off and there are text objects and/or other items, then sometimes, needsDisplay == YES, probably from text drawing. But no matter what, I can't set needsDisplay = NO ! With cache everything works. 2012-03-09 Georg Fleischmann * VPath.m (-setFillColor:, setEndColor:): if col == nil, set to blackColor SVG-Import was creating fillColor = nil, drawRadialWithPrincipal can't handle this * App.m (-applicationDidFinishLaunching:): move User-Library to "Application Support" Localizable.strings (German): 2 new translations for "Cenon User--Library" -> Apple: move Cenon User-Library from old location to new location in "Library/Application Support" * functions.m, h (fillPopup()): flag searchSubFolders added to allow loading of sub-folders App.m, ImportController.m (): calls of fillPopup() changed to support sub-path flag 2012-03-11 Ilonka Fleischmann * InspectorPanel.xib IPCurve.xib, IPSinking.xib: exclude switch added, resized to fit exclude switch 2012-03-12 Georg Fleischmann * Cenon 3.10.0 pre 4 Cenon 3.10.0 pre 4 2012-03-13 Georg Fleischmann * Main.xib (Accessories): openAccessory added App.m (-openDocument:): set open panel accessory view with location switches App.m (-changeOpenLocation:): new -> New: Open-Panel: Buttons to jump to locations of Cenon-Library, Cenon User-Library, and Cenon Documents 2012-03-15 Georg Fleischmann * Cenon 3.10.0 pre 4 Cenon 3.10.0 pre 4 2012-03-21 Georg Fleischmann * DocWindow.m (-close:) end editing of text -> Fix, Revert to saved: also works when called while editing text 2012-04-05 Ilonka Fleischmann * VLine (-initFromPropertyList:inDirectory:): [self setParameter] added -> Fix, Snap: Snap on Lines work after opening document 2012-04-09 Georg Fleischmann * dvGrid.m (-drawGrid): bigGridSpacing with resolution -> Fix 3.10, Grid: fit grid for other than point resolution 2012-04-12 Georg+Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-redrawObject:): centerScanRect on rect_draw_apple to have it in destination of copy (-drawRect:): mit centerScanRect ist es viel besser ! (nur 125% tun noch nicht) -> Fix, Move and Move Vertex: better re-drawing without dirt 2012-04-13 Ilonka Fleischmann //* DocView.m (-moveObject:): scroll_rect = NSInsetRect(rect_scroll , rect_scroll.size.width * val , rect_scroll.size.height * val); // alternative solution, less good * DocView.m (-moveObject:): scroll_rect = pt +- min rect_vis.size / 5.0; -> Scrollen fix: Scrollen geht jetzt viel besser 2012-04-23 German Arias * App.m (-applicationDidFinishLaunching:): open a new document to reach a menu in window In this way Cenon can be used on Gnome, KDE, ... or even on Windows. -> Fix, GnuStep: menu in window support for KDE, Gnome, Windows 2012-04-23 Ilonka Fleischmann * VGroup.m (-coordBounds): skip elements with zero width and height only -> Fix, Group: now the bounds are calculated correctly [bug introduced 3.10, 2012-03-06] 2012-04-24 Ilonka Fleischmann * OutputStreamDrawing.m (-drawWithStart…): small curves were displayed as line in -curveToPoint:.. -> Fix, CurveDraw: displayed correctly now with 3.10 [bug introduced 3.10] * VCurve.m (-length): without shortcut SqrDistPoints(p0, p3) -> Fix, Curve length: more correct now * VCurve.m (-sqrDistanceLine:, -sqrDistanceLine::::) checked for !n1 -> Fix, Curve dragSelect: extreme curves with P0 and P3 in one point work too 2012-04-24 Georg Fleischmann * 3.10.0 -> 4.0.0 2012-05-16 Georg Fleischmann * psImport.prolog: xshow, yshow, xyshow added, show extended to handle displacement with flatten displacement is handled correctly example: xshow.eps, yshow.eps, xyshow.eps, xshowLogo.eps -> PS-Import: PostScript Operators for character displacement added (xshow, yshow, xyshow). When keeping texts editable (no flatten text), the displacement will be ignored. 2012-05-21 Georg Fleischmann * SVGImport.m (coordFromString()): new SVGImport.m (-parser:): use coordFromString() for width and height to recognize unit SVGImport.m (-importSVG:): scale only once, either on the fly or after import -> Fix, SVG-Import: import with correct scaling (since 3.10 pre 1) 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-12 Georg Fleischmann * Cenon Manual: Version 4.0, fixes of Kenn added (English), new screenshot of Save-Panel, Project-Info (English) Library paths updated SVG-icon and extension added Vectorizing added, also description of Menu-Entry Cenon-Menu, Windows-Menu, Help-Menu added Display-Menu: Coordinates added all Menu images replaced Grid-Panel updated, Grid image added Update-Panel added Templates: description for date template added 2012-06-13 Georg Fleischmann * Document.m (-printDocument:): for cancel we don't do [op runOperation], for this deletes a file saved from a previous operation ! -> Fix, Printing: Cancel in a print-Panel will not delete file saved from previous print 2012-06-12 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-pointWithNumBecomeStartPoint:): open paths only start/end points -> Fix, Set start point: start point of open paths can only be set at start/end [since 3.10] * VPath.m (-optimizePath:): for open paths corrected VPath.m (-closeGapBetween:and:): fixed for two not horicontal/vertical lines -> Fix, Join: open paths can be joined correctly 2012-06-17 Georg Fleischmann * GridPanel.m (-update:): "####.###" number format to allow fractions again -> GridPanel: allow fractions of units (ex. 1/10 Inch) 2012-06-18 Georg Fleischmann * DINImport.h: interface variable tz added DINImport.m (-init): tz = YES; (-loadExcellonApertures:): LZ added (-getGraphicFromData:): leading zeros (!tz) added for X, Y, R -> DINImport: missing trailing zeros supported 2012-06-22 Georg Fleischmann * vhfCommonFunctions.m, h (vhfFilePathForNamesInPaths()): new vhfCommonFunctions.m, h (vhfBundleLibrary()): new 2012-06-26 Georg Fleischmann * dvGrid.m (-drawGrid, -resetGrid): check for *n for both grids, *1 check moved to *1 grid drawing -> display x10 grid even if x1 grid becomes too small 2012-06-22 Ilonka Fleischmann * App.m (-openFile:): no special treatement for icut ICUTImport.m, h (-getGraphicFromData:, -setPath:, ...): we generate a list with LayerObjects now ICUTImportSub.m, h (-layerArrayWithName:, -addLine::toLayer:, …): new -> New i-cut Import: Shape, and different Layers are possible now 2012-06-29 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-reverse:, -pathSetStartPoint:): [[layerList objectAtIndex:l] updateObject:g] added -> Fix, Change Direction, set Start Point: re-calculate output of graphics object immediately 2012-06-29 Ilonka Fleischmann * App.m (-terminate:): terminate modules if they can CAMPrincipal.m (-terminate): new - call -quitXyzSubProcess and release CameraController/FlexibleAutomation -> Fix, Quit: terminate modules 2012-07-06 Georg Fleischmann * IntersectionPanel.m (-create:): check isCnt before freeing pts -> Fix, Intersection-Panel: Crash when replacing single Marks 2012-07-07 Georg Fleischmann * IntersectionPanel.m (-create:): create objects from single point objects (Marc, Thread, Web, Sinking) -> Intersection-Panel: create objects from single point objects Cenon 4.0.0 pre 5 2012-07-17 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-isPointInsideOrOn:dist:, -isPointInsideOrOn:dist:subPath::): pts=NULL initialized VPath.m (-setDirectionCCW:, -getIntersection:with:, -getIntersectionsAndSplittedObjects::with:): pts=NULL initialized VPath.m (-intersectionsForPtInside:with:, -intersectionsForPtInside:with::subPath::): pts=NULL initialized VPath.m (-contour:inlay:removeLoops:): iPts=NULL initialized VPolyLine.m (-getIntersection:with:): pts=NULL initialized VPolyLine.m (-parallelObject::::): iPts=NULL initialized VGroup.m (-getIntersection:with:, -uniteWith:): pts=NULL iPts=NULL initialized VGroup.m (-clipImage:withPath:scale:): pts=NULL initialized dvHiddenArea.m (-removePartsOf:hiddenBy:): free(iPts) memory leak closed -> Fix Calculation: possible Crash Cenon 4.0.0 2012-08-12 Georg Fleischmann * VGroup.m (-setSize:): use coordBounds for a correct scale -> Fix, set size of group with stroke width fixed * VGroup.m (-setList:): passed array is NSMutableArray * ChangeDetails.m, h (DimensionsChangeDetail): oldWidth, newWidth added -> Fix, Undo: Scale To undos stroke width * DocView.m, h (-scaleCacheWindow:): pass NSSize instead of floats DocView.m (-scaleUnitSquareToSize:, -scaleCacheWindow:): realign at 100% to avoid rounding shit -> Fix, Zoom to 150%: redraw improved at 100% 2012-08-13 Georg Fleischmann * Document.m, h (-scale:): pass scaleSize instead of x and y TileScrollView.h: oldScaleFactor -> VFloat instead of float TileScrollView.m (): all calls to [document scale:...] changed to NSSize, scaleFactor, scale -> VFloat -> Fix, Zoom works on 64 bit without pixel glitches 2012-08-15 Georg Fleischmann * XCode-Project: use 3.2 format XCode 4: Preferences -> Locations -> Advanced -> Locations specified by Target 2012-09-04 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-takeSnapShot, -restoreSnapshot): prefer Defaults-file over System-Defaults, don't save to System-Defaults any more, close Windows that are not in snap-shot, test for dirty windows before closing -> Snapshots: close documents before opening snapshot * App.h (MENU_INFO, ...): enum instead of #defines, MENU_WINDOWS -> MENU_WINDOW 2012-09-24 Georg Fleischmann * UpdatePanel.m (-checkForUpdateAndDisplayPanel): check prices with installed version (not update version) -> Fix, UpdatePanel: prices were always 0 * UpdatePanel.m (-downloadDidFinish:): after download delte tar-files but not flat packages (pkg) -> Fix, UpdatePanel: plain pkg files were deleted before installation 2012-09-13 Ilonka Fleischmann * DXFImport.m (buildArc()): if ( Diff(l, 0.0) < 0.0000001 ) else Division by null -> Fix, DXF-Import: Vertex Arcs with no length are possible * EPSExport.m (-writeToFile:): bRect.size *= scaleFactor -> keep scaleFactor >= 1.0 -> Fix, EPS-Export: workaround for Mac OS bug to prevent clipping of scaled down graphics 2012-08-14 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-subPathInsidePath:): testelement bnds.height > on break, bnds.width Fix, Join: optimization bug corrected 2012-11-09 Georg Fleischmann * Intel + PPC SDK = 10.5 (was 10.4) -> Makes Release compilable with XCode 4 2012-11-11 Georg Fleischmann * buildShip.sh: code signing added -> Code-Signing for GateKeeper / Mountain Lion added 2012-11-15 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-dragSelect:): check distance for group, not only bounds -> Fix, Drag-Select: selection of groups improved next Cenon 4.0.1 2012-12-10 Georg Fleischmann * InspectorPanel.m (-setLevelAt:): alpha enabled for ColorPanel -> Transparency available in Color-Panel 2012-12-12 Georg Fleischmann * VPath.m (-drawGraduatedWithPrincipal:): alpha added, float -> double -> Fix: alpha for graduate fill added -> FIXME: there is a solid border between graduate steps, which is a rounding issue, and additionally maybe the w = 0.1 in -drawWithPrincipal: => better to use method without stroke next Cenon 4.0.2 2012-12-30 Georg Fleischmann * Document.xib: key equiv assigned (Cmd- / Cmd+)