Cenon CAM Change Log - 2007 2007-01-30 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-subPathInsidePath::): wenn ein edgepoint getroffen wird wird jetzt auch ein sidestep gemacht! -> Fix: Contourberechnung, Richtungsbestimmung bei gejointen Pfaden tut jetzt wieder * DXFImport.m (-getGraphicFromData::): case MODE_VERTEX bei GRPSEQEND make sure that start and end point differ befor creating a close element. -> Fix: DXFImport already closed Polylines work now 2007-04-09 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-buildContour:): [layer insertObject:path atIndex:... +1]; DocView.m (-buildContour:): bei useraster, so dass pro slist object ein pfad entsteht -> BuildContour: damit wird der erzeugte contour Pfad vor die Graphic gelegt, damit man sie auch sieht -> BuildContour UseRaster: bei mehreren Objekten wird jetzt pro pfad ein neuer generiert, nicht mehr nur einer 2007-04-09 Ilonka Fleischmann * GerberExportSub.m (-exportToFile:): Objekte aller Lagen werden erst in eine Liste gepackt und dann ausgegeben -> Gerberexport: för mehrlagige Dateien verbessert * VCurve.m (-intersectLine:::): vertical line Abfrage toleranter und genauer -> Konturberechnung: fast senkrechte Linien an Kurven angrenzend werden jetzt richtig berechnet 2007-04-09 Ilonka Fleischmann * IPCrosshairs.nib de, gb(): um LockSwitch und setLock: erweitert * IPBasicLevel.m (): #include "IPCrosshairs.h" * IPBasicLevel.m (setLock:): Crosshair kann man jetzt auch locken * IPCrosshairs.m (-update:): [super update:sender] -> Crosshair hat jetzt auch einen LockSwitch 2007-04-20 Georg Fleischmann * VArc.m (-drawWithPrincipal:): use defaultWidth if width == 0 -> this allows printing of Arcs without line width on Apple 2007-05-04 Georg Fleischmann * Main.nib (-toggleCoordDisplay:): menu item to toggle coordinate display added Document.m (+newFromFile:, -save): "hasCoordBox" added DocView.m (-validateMenuItem): menu item for coordinate display added DocWindow.m, h (-hasCoordDisplay): added messages.h: SHOW_COORDS, HIDE_COORDS: added Apple, Document.nib: tileScrollView and coordBox added -> this allows turning on and off the coordinate display to have more space 2007-05-08 Georg Fleischmann * Apple, VHFImport-Framework: vhf2DFunctions.m added to project to avoid crash without modules -> prevents a crash without modules loaded * Apple, DocView.m (-redrawObject:, -moveObject:, rotateObject:): scale source rectanle for NSCopyBits -> move/move vertex/rotate of graphics with scaled cache works properly * Apple, VText.m (-getFlattenedObjectAt:withOffset:): yOffset for Apple added used for vertical centered text -> build contour of vertical centered text are placed correctly -> CenonCAM: tracks of vertical centered text are placed correctly 2007-07-12 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-uniteWith:): uStartIs[i] statt j sonst arrayabfrage falsch -> Fix: Punch/Vereinigen/GerberImport * VPath.m (-optimizeSubPathsToClosedPath:): NSLog Ausgabe verringert * VPath.m (-fillStreamWithInset:offset:): NSLogs Ausgabe verringert * VPath.m (-fillStreamWithInset:offset:angle): NSLogs Ausgabe verringert -> damit nur 1x eine NSLog ausgegeben wird * DXFImportSub.m (-setBounds:): continue nur wenn object ausserhalb removed wird -> damit gibt es keinen Versatz mehr zu den Objekten ausserhalb des Sichtbaren Bereichs 2007-07-14 Georg Fleischmann * VPath.m (-optimizeSubPathsToClosedPath): noticeJ = -1, noticeK = -1 initialized * Info.nib, App.h: infoVersionNo added * TileScrollView.m (-initWithFrame): for Apple, explicitly do not draw background -> with this the draw area is identifyable on a larger window background * DocView.m (-scaleUnitSquareToSize): setFrame of editView = DocView again -> this fixes that editing of text in changing scales sometimes didn't work 2007-07-16 Georg Fleischmann * Apple, Document.m (-setName:andDirectory:): for Apple setTitle, otherwise it doesn't work for long * Apple, Document.m (-save:): added save as ASCII Property list... but doesn't work as promised (yet?) 2007-07-17 Georg Fleischmann * Apple, Inspector.nib: now resizable IP*.nib: all inspector panels resizing mask set 2007-07-19 Georg Fleischmann * App.h: MENU_HELP added App.m: -showHelp: added, loads PDF files from .../Docu/LANGUAGE.lproj/Cenon.pdf Cenon 3.83 2007-08-08 Georg Fleischmann * LayerDetailsController.m, h, LayerDetails.nib: batchSwitch added -> tell the layer weather to be used for batch production 2007-08-08 Georg Fleischmann * German.lproj/Main.nib: Hilfe-Menu added (grrr) * again, Apple Version 3.83 Cenon 3.83-1 (Apple) 2007-08-31 Georg Fleischmann * LayerObject.h (CAM_CutType): now enum (was #define) LayerObject.h (LAYER_CAMERA): added for Camera gauging in CAM module (has to go to CAM module!) 2007-09-18 Georg Fleischmann * Apple, VText.m (-getFlattenedObjectAt:withOffset:): yOffset removed for versions before 824.42, as Apple fixed the bug in 10.4.10 or earlier. Cenon 3.83-2 (Apple) 2007-09-21 Georg Fleischmann * vhf2DFunctionas.m, h (-convertCurveToLines()): new 2007-09-22 Georg Fleischmann * vhf2DFunctionas.m, h (-convertArcsToLines()): new 2007-09-23 Georg Fleischmann * DocWindow.m (-windowDidBecomeMain:): set active window DocWindow.m (-close:): remove active window App.m, h (-setActiveDocWindow:, activeWindow): new App.m (-currentDocument:): return activeWindow if mainWindow fails 2007-10-26 Georg Fleischmann * Apple, VText.m (-getFlattenedObjectAt:withOffset:): - yOffset for vertical centered text only (my fault to miss that), no version check, because now everything is totally confused. - aspectRatio is now calculated with '/1.0' from top of textbox, (with older OS X '/2.0' may have worked (center of textbox), but no older OS X available to find out). -> Text-Contour: normal text works, vertical centered works, aspect ratio text works, aspect ratio + vertical centered fits too (but FIXME: the text itself is totally off!) * IPAllText.m (-setLineHeight:, -setFontSize:): setDocument and layer dirty -> Output will be calculated, Documents wants to be saved for changes of line-height and font size 2007-11-07 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-createEditView): no setAutoresizeMask for editView DocView.m (-scaleUnitSquareToSize:): don't change the size of editView, and if it is ripped apart by unknown forces, we log this event bring it back to 100% -> this allows editing of text in all scales and zooming up and down and text can still be created close to the right border of the document. 2007-11-20 Georg Fleischmann * VMark (-drawWithPrincipal:): set linewidth for printing to 0.5 pt, otherwise default next 3.84