Cenon CAM Change Log - July 2006 2006-07-03 Georg Fleischmann * messages.h, Localizable.strings: "DXF file exceeds..." not extends 2006-07-12 Ilonka Fleischmann * DocView.m (-mouseDown:): drawRect = NSZeroRect inituialized -> this fixes the selection with drag select (batch worked, without didn't) * DocView.m (-drawSelect:): return drawRect DocView.m (-mouseDown:): get drawRect from dragSelect 2006-07-26 * Apple: Prefs-Bundles added to Binary and Source package * Apple: DocView Selection Bug (2006-07-12) fixed * New 3.81 Bugfix-Packages for Apple ! Cenon 3.81 (Apple) 2006-07-28 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-draw:): serial number added for batch printing next Cenon 3.82