Cenon Change Log - November 2005 2005-11-02 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-subPathInsidePath::): polyline in horizontal test auch mitaufgenommen VPath.m (-subPathInsidePath::): umgestellt, damit (teilweise) ON liegende subPaths auch klappen -> ist för die Richtungsbestimmung sehr wichtig VPath.m (-setWidth:): eingebaut damit die Bounds vom Pfad auch mit Width zuröckkommen ! -> das mösste auch manches Darstellungsproblem lðsen 2005-11-06 Georg Fleischmann * Project-Info.nib: resizing of comment field * LayerObject.m, h (uniqueId, -uniqueId, -setUniqueId:): new, for use with multi layer group * Document.h: units added, include of functions.h added for CenonUnitx functions.h(UNIT_): enum instead of defines for UNIT_* 2005-11-09 Ilonka Fleischmann * VPath.m (-intersectionsForPtInside:with::): realloc för ppArray ist jetzt an der richtigen stelle ! -> removed crash in a PCB 2005-11-09 Georg Fleischmann * PreferencesMacros.h (Prefs_Antialias): added DocView(-draw:): VHFSetAntialiasing(Prefs_Antialias) vhfCompatibility.h (VHFShouldAntialias()): new, antialias Macros for GNUstep too *.m: check for antialiasing (antialias = VHFAntialiasing()) and restore state after changes -> This activates the preference switch on Apple * vhfCompatibility.h: antialias Macros for GNUstep = Apple -> This disables antialiasing for fillings on GNustep too (not implemented on GNUstep yet ?) 2005-11-10 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-setCaching:): simpler 2005-11-11 Georg Fleischmann * GeneralController.h: use enum instead of defines for switches * DocView.m (-scaleCacheWindow:, -sizeCacheWindow:): on Apple, turn cache off for scales != 100% GeneralController.m: cache switch activated for Apple 2005-11-13 Georg Fleischmann * locations.h (HOMELIBRARY, LOCALLIBRARY): removed for GNUstep and Apple locations.h (SUBPROCESS): removed, never used * vhfCommonFunctions.m, h (vhfPathWithPathComponents()): new vhfCommonFunctions.m (vhfUserLibrary()): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() and NSHomeLibrary() 2005-11-14 Georg Fleischmann * DXFImportSub.m (-addStrokeList:): set fill color for stroked object -> if user fills the object, it will be filled in the same color * DocView.m (-scaleCacheWindow:, -sizeCacheWindow:): back to original (no apple stuff) DocView.m (-drawRect:): Apple workaround to fix composite (scale source rectangle) * functions.m (dictionaryFromFolder()): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() functions.m (dictionaryFromFolder()): search conversion dicts in resourcePath not bundlePath * functions.m (userBundlePath(), userLibrary(), localBundlePath()): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() * Type1Font.m (-updateFontMetrics): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() The file doesn't exist ! What is it used for ? * VImage.m (-saveToCMYKTiff:): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() 2005-11-15 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-validateMenuItem:): saveOutput removed 2005-11-16 Ilonka Fleischmann * VArc.m (-getListOfObjectsSplittedFrom::): radius/1000.0 instead of radius/10000.0 (3x) VArc.m (-getListOfObjectsSplittedFromGraphic:): radius/1000.0 instead of radius/10000.0 (2x) 2005-11-16 Georg Fleischmann * functions.m (fillPopup()): use -stringByAppendingPathComponent: functions.m (localBundlePath(), systemBundlePath()): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() 2005-11-19 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-listFromFile:, -openFile:): use vhfPathWithPathComponents() Document.m (-printSeparation:): use vhfPathWithPathComponents(), cropPath separated * PSImport.m (): use vhfPathWithPathComponents(), use PS_TMPPATH macro as temporary directory PSImport.h: PS_TMPPATH added 2005-11-20 Georg Fleischmann * Document.m (+new): new variable 'newDocument' to avoid warnings on Apple 2005-11-22 Georg Fleischmann * VRectangle.m (-pathRepresentation): set too large radi to 1/2 size (not 0) don't add zero lines -> this shows the rounded edges for extreme radi + correct display of maximum radius 2005-11-23 Ilonka Fleischmann * Type1Font.m (-init): hier wird jetzt afmNoPlace allociert und initializiert (fest) nicht mehr aus Datei * Type1Font.m (-dealloc): [afmNoPlace release] * Type1Font.m (-updateFontMetrics): hier wird nichts mehr initializiert 2005-11-23 Georg Fleischmann * DXFImport.m (-getVisibleListFromData:): check for EOF to avoid warning message for double newline 2005-11-28 Ilonka Fleischmann * dvUndo.m (-rotate): use bounds without knobs to calculate center -> this makes rotation precise * DocView.m (-mirror:): drawRect mit boundsOfArray (with knobs) geholt DocView.m (-scaleG:): scaleCenter mit boundsOfArray: withKnobs:NO instead with Knobs DocView.m (-placeList:at:): bbox för offset berechng mit boundsOfArray: withKnobs:NO instead with YES * Document.m (-printSeparation:): boundsOfArray: withKnobs:NO instead with Knobs (4x) för die marks berechng * BarcodeController.m (-set:): use [view boundsOfArray:withKnobs:NO] 2005-11-28 Georg Fleischmann * InspectorPanel.m (-documentHasChanged:): temporary set view InspectorPanel.m, h (-setDocView:, -docView): new to set temporary document view IPBasicLevel.m, h (-view): call [window docView] IPAllLayers.m (-update): use [window docView] -> change from other application to Cenon keeps Inspector contents correct * App.m (-openFile:): load modules before opening a file -> this allows modules to load their stuff, if Cenon is started by double click on a file next Cenon 3.80