Cenon Change Log - August 2005 2005-08-03 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-openFile:): check, wheather file exists, returns BOOL now 2005-08-03 Georg Fleischmann * GridPanel.nib: text field is first responder now 2005-08-04 Georg Fleischmann * App.m, h (-openedDocument:): return the last opened document App.m (-setCurrentDocumtent:): (Document*) 2005-08-22 Georg Fleischmann * App.m (-init:): workaround with save panel on OpenStep added again (Grrr !) 2005-08-31 Georg Fleischmann * LayerObject.h (LayerType): now enum, LAYER_PAGE added for multi page documents LayerDetailsController.m, h: new, to change the layer type (layer / page) LayerDetails.nib: new IPAllLayers.h (-currentLayerObject): added to header IPAllLayers.h (-doubleClickLayer:): open layer details panel to set layer type IPLayerCell.m (-trackMouse...): sendDoubleAction, text width now full rest of column (no /2.5) -> Multi page Documents next Cenon 3.71