Cenon Change Log - January 2005 2005-01-04 Georg Fleischmann * IPImage.m (-init): set action to -setCompressionType: not setFileType ! * PSImport.m (-importPS:, -importPDFFromFile:): put filename in quotes to allow names with space * App.m (-loadModules:): load modules from system library too functions.m, h (systemBundlePath()): new functions.m (localLibrary()): return system library or local libray, whichever exists vhfCommmonFunctions.m (vhfLocalLibrary()): return system library or local libray, whichever exists 2005-01-06 Georg Fleischmann * PSImport.m (-importPS:): Apple: convert string to ASCII, if it contains special characters For Apple, import of EPS files with special characters is possible now * PSImport.m (-gsPath): new, returns complete path to gs PSImport.m (-importPDFFromFile:, -importPS:): use [self gsPath] and don't add 'gs' gs is now searched in /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin on OpenStep and Apple * PSImport.h, HPGLImport.h, DXFImport.h, Type1Import.h (DEFAULT_FONT): removed PSImportSub.m, HPGLImportSub.m, DXFImportSub.m, Type1ImportSub.m (-addText:...): use [NSFont userFixedPitchFontOfSize:size] instead of DEFAULT_FONT DXFImport.m (getGraphicFromData:): pass string Courier directly On Apple the default font was unknown, so this change allows default fonts on Apple 2005-01-07 Ilonka Fleischmann * VGroup.h (fill variables) variablen för eine Föllung/Color eingebaut VGroup.h (-setColorNew) new * VGroup.m (-setFillColor: -setEndColor: -setGraduateAngle: -setStepWidth: -setRadialCenter) new VGroup.m (-encodeWithCoder: -initWithCoder:) VGroup.m (-propertyList: initFromPropertyList:...): fillcolors new, ruft setColorNew auf VGroup.m (+initialize): new, [VGroup setVersion:2] VGroup.m (-init): + fillcolors VGroup.m (-copy): new VGroup.h (-setColorNew) new VGroup.m (-initWithList:): ruft setColorNew auf VGroup.m (-setList:): ruft setColorNew auf VGroup.m (-setWidth) new * IPAllStrokeWidth.m (-update:): Gruppe wie normale Grafik behandelt + kl. Umstellungen * IPAllFilling.m (-update:): Gruppe wie normale Grafik behandelt * VText.h (-radialCenter, -setRadialCenter, radialCenter) new * VText.m (-radialCenter, -setRadialCenter) new VText.m (-encodeWithCoder: -initWithCoder:) VText.m (-propertyList: initFromPropertyList:...): radialCenter new * VTextPath.h (-radialCenter, -setRadialCenter) new * VTextPath.m (-radialCenter, -setRadialCenter) new * PasteGraphicsChange.m (-redoDetails) [layer addObject:..] instead of [layer insertObject:.. atIndex:0] * ChangeDetail.m (ChangeDetail -initGraphic:change:) VGroup kram einkommentiert ChangeDetail.m (ChangeDetail -initGraphic:change:) [changeDetail release]; after addObject:changeDetail]; * GraphicsChange.m (-saveBeforeChange:) [changeDetail release]; after addObject:changeDetail]; With this groups now support stroke and fill colors and color shading 2005-01-10 Georg Fleischmann * Document.m (-setName:andDirectory:): use stringByAppendingFormat use [NSString length] instead of [NSString isEqual:@""] * App.m (-currentDirectory): use [NSString length] instead of -isEqual: double check for nil path -> return vhfHomeDirectory() * Apple, Main Menu: Translate German Cenon menu, and 'Print' entry 2005-01-11 Ilonka Fleischmann * ChangeDetail.m (-initGraphic:change:): VGroup ChangeDetail only add if changeExpected of changeDetail FillChangeDetail, ColorChangeDetail, LengthChangeDetail, StepwidthChangeDetail, RadialCenterChangeDetail (-personalChangeExpected): check if graphic change fits !! return NO if not 2005-01-11 Ilonka Fleischmann * VText.m (-init): radialCenter = NSMakePoint(0.5, 0.5); VText.m (-propertyList): fill Zeugs nur speichern wenn von default abweichend VText.m (-initFromPropertyList:inDirectory:): fill Zeugs auf default setzten wenn nicht geladen * VPolyLine.m (-propertyList): fill Zeugs nur speichern wenn von default abweichend VPolyLine.m (-initFromPropertyList:inDirectory:): fill Zeugs auf default setzten wenn nicht geladen * VPath.m (-propertyList): fill Zeugs nur speichern wenn von default abweichend VPath.m (-initFromPropertyList:inDirectory:): fill Zeugs auf default setzten wenn nicht geladen * VGroup.m (-propertyList): fill Zeugs nur speichern wenn von default abweichend VGroup.m (-initFromPropertyList:inDirectory:): fill Zeugs auf default setzten wenn nicht geladen * VRectangle.m (-propertyList): fill Zeugs nur speichern wenn von default abweichend ++ radius + rotAngle VRectangle.m (-initFromPropertyList:inDirectory:): fill Zeugs auf default setzten wenn nicht geladen VRectangle.m (-pathRepresentation:): kein Cornerradius wenn rectangle zu klein Cenon 3.67 2005-01-13 Georg Fleischmann * VLine.m (-setLength:, -setAngle:): check for sqrt(0) * PSImport.m (-importPS:): check for !data before [self interpret:data] * DocView.m (-setList:): if color == nil use black Apple: Cenon 3.67-2 2005-01-21 Georg Fleischmann * VGroup.m (-setColorNew:): check for empty group 2005-01-26 Georg Fleischmann * VGroup.m (-setUniColoringNew:): check for empty group next Cenon 3.70