Cenon Change Log - April 2004 2004-04-18 Georg Fleischmann * Type1Import.m (-decodeCharString:length:): no return value if code == 0 -> just log an error 2004-04-18 Ilonka Fleischmann * Type1Font.m (-update:): malloc(8192l) instead of 1024 Cenon 3.61 pre (19.04.2004) Cenon 3.61 2004-04-20 Georg Fleischmann * App.m, h (-saveAsPanelWithSaveType:): new App.m, h (-setSaveType:): removed Document.m (-saveAs:): use savePanelWithSaveType: instead of setSaveType: Document.m (-setFontObject:): setSaveType: removed * PreferencesPanel.m (+initialize): default registering removed App.m (+initialize): added default registering from PreferencesPanel because (PreferencesPanel is not called before opening the Panel)