Cenon Change Log - September 2001 2001-09-01 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-rotateObject:): redrawRect corrected 2001-09-03 Georg Fleischmann * Path.m, Rectangle.m, Arc.m, Line.m, Curve.m (-createOutput:tools:): use coordBounds for clipping Path.m, Rectangle.m (-createOutput:tools:): close = NO for clipping * Path.m (-unnest): check if object is a path * DocView.m (-clipObject): remove object if not a rectangle * DocView.m (-moveSelectionToLayer:): remove first, then add to new layer Cenon 3.50 beta 9 2001-09-06 Georg Fleischmann * Rectangle.m (-createOutput:): call clipWithRect: instead of clipWithRect:close: * Curve.m (-getTForPointOnCurve:): use pointAt instead of getPointAt: Curve.m (-getTForPointOnCurve:): check for line more tolerant, reduced to one sqrt 2001-09-07 Ilonka Fleischmann * PolyLine.m (2x draw:) fill und stroke etc PolyLine.m (-getIntersections:with:) fast wie path * Line.m (-getIntersections:with:) um PolyLine erweitert: || [g isKindOfClass:[PolyLine class]] * Path.m (-join:) um filled PolyLine erweitert (wie path closed) Path.m (-addToClosestEnd:) um PolyLine erweitert Path.m (-getIntersections:with:) um PolyLine erweitert Path.m (-contour:inlay:removeLoops:) parallel g add to subpath -> path abgefragt (PolyLine) * Curve.m (-getIntersections:with:) um PolyLine erweitert: || [g isKindOfClass:[PolyLine class]] * Group.m (-getIntersections:with:) um PolyLine erweitert * Arc.m (-getIntersections:with:) um PolyLine erweitert: || [g isKindOfClass:[PolyLine class]] Arc.m (-tangentIntersectionWith:) um PolyLine erweitert Arc.m (-intersectLine:) fast waagerechte linien ungenauigkeit behoben * DocView.m (-joinSelection:messages:) + 3x PolyLine DocView.m (-delete:) PolyLine + selectedKnob -> remove point only 2001-09-07 Georg Fleischmann * Path.m: all functions are now static 2001-09-09 Ilonka Fleischmann * PolyLine.m,h (-isPointInside: -uniteWith) erweitert ++ * Path.m (-uniteWith:) um PolyLine erweitert Path.m (-uniteWith:) (id) instead of (Arc*) Path.m (-getIntersectionsAndSplittedObjects:) um PolyLine erweitert * Arc.m (-uniteWith:) um PolyLine erweitert * Rectangle.m (-uniteWith:) um PolyLine erweitert * HiddenAreas.m (-uniteAreas:) um PolyLine erweitert HiddenAreas.m (-removeSingleGraphicsInList:) um PolyLine erweitert HiddenAreas.m (-removePartsOf:hiddenBy:) um PolyLine erweitert 2001-09-10 Georg Fleischmann * Rectangle.m, h (+rectangleWithOrigin:size:): new * LayerObject.m (-removeObject:): remove object from list after releasing object stuff 2001-09-12 Georg Fleischmann * DocView.m (-draw:): NSRectClip(rect) to draw the grid correctly * dvGrid.m (-drawGrid): 2nd setGray removed 2001-09-16 Georg Fleischmann * TextGraphic.m (-getFlattnedObjectAt:withOffset:): lockFocus/unlockFocus removed 2001-09-17 Georg Fleischmann * PSImport.m (-importPS:): translate for GNUstep * location.h: define HOMELIBRARY and LOCALLIBRARY dependant on system Cenon 3.50 beta 10 2001-09-24 Georg Fleischmann * DPLayer.m (-setToolList:): remove last item in list * DPControl.m (-setXYZControlsEnabled:): can measureSurface removed next Cenon 3.50 beta 11