Thoughts on expansion of bu_opt capability to include subcommands, other misc notes... Check over POSIX.1-2008 Utility Conventions - should guide (but not define) our option handling. (In particular, we want long opts. On the other hand, probably explicitly don't want the full GNU 'opts anywhere' convention as that precludes structured subcommand parsing.) * Define separate structure for subcommands, have as an optional pointer in bu_opt structure. * Explore + and -+ as opt/longopt specifiers for subcommands, directly mapping to - and -- for options. Use +- to denote the end of a subcommand, like -- denotes end of options. Rule - options with optional arguments (e.g. --help JSON vs --help - both are legal) will require that arguments needing to start with a "+" character (e.g. --help "+arg1") be quoted. (For that matter, is the same true of normal "-" option parsing?) Can we allow "lazy" subcommand specification without +/-+ if we disqualify any string in quotes from being a subcommand? (e.g. 'cmd arg1 arg2' treats arg1 as a subcommand but 'cmd "arg1" arg2' treats arg1 as an arg? Do we need to worry about this at all? Can "leftover" operands from a subcommand be handed back up to parent commands? Convention thoughts: - or -- - option/long-option handling per POSIX and GNU convention. + or -+ - explicit specifier of subcommand. -- - explicit 'exit option parsing' mode - remainder is operands (per POSIX) except that a -+ option will indicate another subcommand or a +- will elevate the parsing environment back to the parent level. +- "exit subcommand" - returns parsing to the parent level command evaluation environment: brep -a1 -+plot -p1 +- -o results in brep handling -o, not plot. Scope of "next arg" other than +- is current command/subcommand: e.g. brep -a1 -+plot -p1 will pass p1 to plot's option handling, not brep's If subsequent -+ are specified, first check if the current command has the specified subcommand. If not, return parsing to the parent level to see if it has the specified subcommand, and so on until a command table claims the subcommand. Allows for both a subcommand of a subcommand: brep obj_csg.c -+bool_eval -+plot curve S1_S2 and subsequent subcommands: brep obj_csg.c -+facetize -+simplify to be specified without requiring +- unless a command and a subcommand both have a matching subcommand. With that feature present, +- is necessary to specify a parent command's version of the subcommand unambiguously (i.e. requires explicit exiting of subcommand state with a matching subcommand): cmd arg1 +c +d -> runs d subcommand defined by c cmd arg1 +c +- +d -> runs d subcommand defined by cmd TODOs for bu_opt help routines: Maybe have help as a default subcommand rather than a default option, to allow for fancy stuff without bastardizing the help option? * define a built-in bu_help to support docbook, json, etc. specification which can be used by commands not wanting to define their own, more complex options. * need a routine to generate a POSIX compliant one-line description of the command's syntax * need built-in help (option or subcommand, maybe both?) that is available for commands not wanting to define their own help, but can be over-ridden by an explicit specification of help in the options. We will need some "smart" help options for JSON, DocBook, etc as well as subcommand listing (--help cmds maybe?) so a calling script can systematically and automatically generate documentation for all commands. * explore the possibility of adding to the help system a generator of some sort that can produce a JSON structure describing the structure of the commands and options in such a way that a libbu routine could accept that structure as a validation template and validate a command line string against it. Would (potentially) allow for things like smart tab completion, valid/invalid syntax highlighting, etc. without having to either explicitly duplicate the command syntax in code or back such validation logic into each command. With this setup we would run the "generate syntax" help option for every command/subcommand in all of BRL-CAD (which just coincidentally would make the function of the help system for every command in the code a build time requirement/check) and supply a pre-built validation database in a data_dir location for libbu to check.